Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

serve him, meanwhile motioning close a girl whose breasts were mottled gray with

dirt and pinkish white where she had sweated it away, saying to her that Niko

was to be taken to the office.

In it, he watched the man called One-Thumb through a one-way mirror, and

fidgeted. Eventually, though he saw no reason why it happened, a door he had

thought to be a closet’s opened behind him, and a woman stepped in, clad in

Ilsig doeskin leggings. She said, “What word did my brother send to me?”

He told her, thinking, watching her, that her eyes were gray like Askelon’s, and

her hair was arrestingly black and silver, and that she did not in any way

resemble Tempus. When he was finished with his story and his warning that she

not, under any circumstances, go out this evening-^not, upon her life, attend

the Mageguild fete, she laughed, a sweet tinkle so inappropriate his spine

chilled and he stiffened.

“Tell my brother not to be afraid. You must not know him well, to take his

terror of the adepts so seriously.” She moved close to him, and he drowned in

her storm-cloud eyes while her hand went to his swordbelt and by it she pulled

him close. “Have you money, Stepson? And some time to spend?”

Niko beat a hasty retreat with her mocking, throaty laughter chasing him down

the stairs. She called after him that she only wanted to have him give her love

to Tempus. As he made the landing near the bar, he heard the door at the stairs’

top slam shut. He was out of there like a torqued arrow-so fast he forgot to pay

for his drink, and yet, when he remembered it, on the street where his horse

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