Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

straightened up in his saddle and saluted, grinning through his beard.

He wasn’t smiling when the Mageguild’s ponderous doors enfolded them, and three

junior functionaries escorted them to the “changing rooms” within the outer wall

where they were expected to strip and hand over their armaments to the

solicitously smirking mages-in-training before donning preferred “fete-clothes”

(gray silk chitons and summer sandals) the wizards had thoughtfully provided.

Askelon wasn’t taking any chances, Tempus thought but did not say, though Janni

wondered aloud what use there was in checking their paltry swords and daggers

when enchanters could not be made to check their spells.

Inside the Mageguild’s outer walls, it was summer. In its gardens-transformed

from their usual dank fetidness by artful conjure into a wonderland of orchids

and eucalyptus and willows weeping where before moss-hung swamp-giants had held

sway over quickmires-Tempus saw Kadakithis, resolutely imperious in a black robe

oversewn with gems into a map of Ranke-caught-in-the-web-of-the-world. The

prince/governor’s pregnant wife, a red gift-gown splendid over her child-belly,

leaned heavily on his arm. Kitty cat’s approving glance was laced with

commiseration: yes, he, too, found it hard to smile here, but both of them knew

it prudent to observe the forms, especially with wizards….

Tempus nodded and walked away.

Then he saw her, holding Lastel’s hand, to which the prosthetic thumb of his

disguise was firmly attached. A signal bade Janni await him; he did not have to

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