Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

needed is never to be had without price.

The price of the thick brown ale in which the Alekeep specialized was doubled

for the holiday’s night-long vigil, but they paid not one coin, drinking,

instead, in a private room in back where the grateful owner led them: he had

heard about the manifestation at the Mageguild, and had been glad he had taken

Niko’s advice and kept his girls inside. “Can I let them out, then?” he said

with a twinkling eye. “Now that you are here? Would the Lord Marshal and his

distinguished Stepsons care for some gentle companionship, this jolly eve?”

Tempus, flexing his open hand on which the clear serum glistened as it thickened

into scabby skin, told him to keep his children locked up until dawn, and sent

him away so brusquely Janni eyed Niko askance.

Their commander sat with his back against the wall opposite the door through

which the tavern’s owner had disappeared. “We were followed here. I’d like to

think you both realized it on your own.”

The placement of their seats, backs generously offered to any who might enter,

spoke so clearly of their failure that neither said a word, only moved their

chairs to the single table’s narrow sides. When next the door swung open, One

Thumb, not their host, stood there, and Tempus chuckled hoarsely in the hulking

wrestler’s face. “Only you, Lastel? I own you had me worried.”

“Where is she, Tempus? What have you done with her?” Lastel stomped forward, put

both ham-hands flat upon the table, his thick neck thrust forward, bulging with


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