Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

on you, as I have so many times in the past.” He turned to the Lizerene. “How

long will your healing take?”

The healer shrugged. “The time is not exact. Perhaps two months.”

Jubal spoke again to Saliman. “Return to town and don’t come back for three

months. You have access to most of our hidden funds; use them and live well.

Anyone hunting hawkmasks will not think to look among the wealthy.

“That hunting should serve as a weeding to test the fitness of our remaining

swords. Learn their whereabouts and watch them-but let none know I’m still

alive. After three months we’ll meet and decide who is to be included in the new


“If you are as wealthy as your words,” Vertan interjected cautiously, “might I

make an additional suggestion?” Jubal cocked an eyebrow, but indicated the

wizard should continue. “There are several wizards in Sanctuary who have the

power to ferret out your location. If I were to provide a list of their names

and estimates of their bribe-price, you could insure your safety during the

healing process by paying them not to find you.”

Saliman snorted. “That way they’ll take our money and still sell their services

to the first hunter that asks. How trustworthy do you really think your

colleagues are, healer?”

“No more or less trustworthy than a sell-sword,” the Lizerene countered. “Every

person has weaknesses, though some are weaker than others. While a few might be

unscrupulous enough to accept double-service at least you can eliminate the

danger from the honest practitioners.”

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