Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

“See that it’s done,” Jubal instructed Saliman. “There’re two other things I’ll

want when you return. Find Hakiem and let him accompany you to witness my


“The storyteller? Why?”

“He has amused us with his tales in the past,” Jubal smiled, “as well as

providing occasional bits of timely information. Sharing this story with him

will guarantee that all will hear of my return to power.”

Saliman frowned but did not protest further. “What else?”

“A sword,” Jubal stated, his eyes suddenly fierce. “The finest sword you can

find. Not the prettiest, mind you: the best steel with the keenest edge. There

will some who will be less than happy at the news of my recovery and I want to

be prepared to deal with them.”

* * *

“That’s enough for today,” Vertan announced shakily, removing his hands from

Jubal’s knees.

Like a drowning man encountering a log, the healer grabbed the goat tethered

nearby and clung to it while the animal bleated and struggled to free itself.

The slaver averted his eyes, nauseated by the now-familiar ritual.

The first day he had watched intently and what he had seen was now branded into

his memory. Though he had always loathed magic and its practitioners he now

admitted a grudging admiration of the little wizard who labored over him. He

would rather face a hundred swords than subject himself to what the Lizerene

endured voluntarily.

Vertan drew the poison from Jubal’s legs as promised, but what the ex-gladiator

had not realized was that the wizard drew it into his own body. He had seen

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