Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

doses of his potion, thinking it would speed the healing. By the time he

realized what was happening the damage had been done. Besides, he filled his

part of the bargain. I can walk, even run-just as he claimed. But as a leader of

men, I’m finished. A common merchant with a cane could beat me in a fight-much

less the swordsmen we had planned to challenge.” A silence fell over the group,

one which Jubal felt with ever-increasing discomfort. “Well, Hakiem,” he said

with forced cheerfulness, “you have your story. Tell it well and you’ll have

wine money for a year.”

The old talespinner sank slowly into his favored squat and scratched absently.

“Forgive me-I had been expecting a better ending.”

“So had I,” Jubal snarled, his carefully rehearsed poise slipping before

Hakiem’s insolence. “But I was given little choice in the final outcome. Am I

not right, Saliman? Look me in the eye and tell me that at this moment you are

not pondering where you may go now in search of someone who can give you your

revenge? Or are you going to lie and say you think I still have a fighting

chance against Tempus?”

“Actually, that was one of the things I meant to speak to you about,” Saliman

admitted, looking away. “I’ve done much thinking in the time since we parted and

my current feeling is that under no circumstances should we pursue Tempus at


“What-but he…”

“He did nothing anyone else wouldn’t have done had he the strength,” Saliman

said over Jubal’s objections. “The fault was ours. We were far too open at the

end, flaunting our wealth and power, strutting through the streets in our

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