Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

All of a sudden his heart lurched an extra beat and began to hammer in his

chest, for the man he had been waiting for had just come through the door; and

Mradhon Vis sipped his wine and gave the most blunt disinterested stare that he

gave to all comers, not letting his eyes linger in the least on this young

ruffian, darkhaired, darkskinned, who came here to spend his money. The man came

closer, edged past his back, and sat down at the end of the same table, which

made staring inconvenient. Mradhon feigned disinterest, finished his wine, got

up and walked away through the debris and out the open door, where drinkers and

drunks took the fresher air, leaned on walls or sprawled against them or sat on

the two benches.

So Mradhon took his place, his shoulders to the wall in the shadows, and stood

and stood until his knees were numb, while the traffic came and went in and out

Mama Becho’s door, until soon Tygoth would take up his vigil in the alleyway.

Then the man came out again, reeling a little in satiation-but not that much,

and not lingering among the loiterers by the door.


The quarry passed to the right and Mradhon Vis leaned away from his wall,

stepped over the sprawled legs of a fellow hanger-on and went after the young

man, along the muddy streets and alleyways. The wine had lost its effect on him

in his waiting, but he pretended its influence in his step-he had learned such

strategems in his residency in the Downwind. He knew the • ways thereabouts,

every door, every turning that could take a body out of sight in a moment. He

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