Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

Thieves’ World Book #05

The Face of Chaos

Edited by Robert Lynn Asprin


INTRODUCTION Robert Lynn Asprin

HIGH MOON Janet Morris


THE ART OF ALLIANCE Robert Lynn Asprin


VOTARY David Drake

MIRROR IMAGE Diana L. Paxson


Robert Lynn Asprin

‘The Face of Chaos will laugh at us all before the cycle completes its turn!’

The words were barely audible above the din of the bazaar, but they caught the

ear of Illyra, stopping her in her tracks. Ignoring her husband’s puzzled

glance, she made her way into the crowds in search of the source of the voice.

Though only half S’danzo, the cards were still her trade and she owed it to her

clan to discover any intruders into their secrets.

A yellow-toothed smile flashed at her out of deep shadow, beside a stand.

Peering closely, she recognized Hakiem, Sanctuary’s oldest and most noted

storyteller, squatting in the shelter, away from the morning sun’s bright glare.

‘Good morning, old one,’ she said coolly, ‘and what does a storyteller know of

the cards?’

‘Too little to try to earn a living reading them,’ Hakiem replied, scratching

himself idly, ‘but much for one untrained in interpreting their messages.’

‘You spoke of the Face of Chaos. Don’t tell me you’ve finally paid for a


‘Not at my age.’ The storyteller waved. ‘I’d prefer that the events of the

future come as surprises. But I have eyes enough to know that that card means

great change and upheaval. It requires no special sight to realize it must be

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