Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

strength whenever possible. Fortunately, this is a role Sanctuary is well suited


‘There are those who would confuse your zeal for self-interest rather than a

defence of the town,’ Saliman said carefully. ‘The Beysib do constitute a threat

to your effort to rebuild your power base.’

‘Of course,’ the hawkmaster smiled. ‘Like the invaders, I work for my own

benefit… Everyone does, though most don’t admit it. The difference is that my

success is linked to the continuance of Sanctuary as we have known it. Theirs


‘Of course, your success will not happen by itself,’ his aide reminded him.

‘Yes, yes. I know. Affairs of business. Forgive my ramblings, Saliman, but you

know I find details tedious now that I’ve attained old age.’

‘You found them tedious well before your aging,’ came the dry response.

‘… which is why you are so valuable to me. Enough of your nagging. Now, what

pressing matter do you have that simply must be dealt with?’

‘Do you recall the shop that was displaying our protection symbol without having

paid for the services?’

‘The artifact shop? Yes, I remember. Synab never struck me as the sort who had

that kind of courage.’

For all his grumbling and protests about detail, Jubal had an infallible memory

for money and people.

‘Well?’ the slaver continued, ‘What of it? Has the investigation been completed,

or does his shop still stand?’

‘Both,’ Saliman smiled. ‘Synab claims to be innocent of offence. He says that he

didpa.y us for protection.’

‘And you believed him? It’s not like you to be so easily bluffed.’

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