Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

or simply refuse … and then I’d have to try to make good my threats.’

‘So what portion did you ask for?’

‘One in five. But, you see, linking his payment to his sales, the fee would grow

with his business, or adjust itself if times grew lean.’

The hawkmaster pondered this for a time.

‘What is your name, boy?’

‘Cidin, sir.’

‘Well, Cidin, if you were in my place, if you caught someone using your name

without permission, what would you do to him?’

‘I … I’d kill him, sir,’ the boy admitted. ‘You know, as an example, so other

people wouldn’t do the same thing.’

‘Quite right,’ Jubal nodded, rising to his feet. ‘I’m glad you understand what

would have to be done.’

Cidin braced himself as the ex-crimelord reached for the sword on the table,

then blinked in astonishment as the weapon was returned to its scabbard, instead

of being wielded with deadly intent.

‘… fortunately for both of us, that isn’t the case here. You have my

permission to use my name and work as my agent. Of course, two thirds of what

you collect will be paid to me for the use of that name. Agreed?’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘You might also think of recruiting some of your friends to help you … if

they’re as quick of wit as they are of foot.’

‘I’ll try, sir.’

‘Now wait here for a moment while I fetch my aide. I want you to tell him what

you told me about portions instead of flat fees. It’s an idea worth


He started for the door, then paused, studying the boy with a thoughtful eye.

‘You don’t look like a hawkmask… but then again, maybe that’s what our

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