Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

and might be turned towards ending his own misery.


Of late life had been kinder to the woman known in the town simply as Cythen.

Her high leather boots were not only new but had been made to fit her. Her warm,

fur-lined cloak was new as well: made by an old Downwinds woman who had

discovered that, since the arrival of the Beysib and their gold, there were more

things to do with a stray cat than eat it. Yes, since the Beysib had come, life

was better than it had been –

Cythen hesitated, repressed a wave of remembrance and, reminding herself that it

was dangerous folly to remember the past, continued on her way. Perhaps life was

better for the Downwinds woman; perhaps her own life was now better than it had

been a year before, but it was not unconditionally better.

The young woman moved easily through the inky, twilight shadows of the Maze,

avoiding the unfathomed pools of detritus that oozed up between the ancient

cobblestones. Tiny pairs of eyes focused on her at the sound other approach and

scampered noisily away. The larger, more feral creatures of the hell-hole

watched in utter silence from the deeper shadows of doorways and blind alleys.

She strode past them all, looking neither right nor left, but missing no flicker

of motion.

She paused by an alley apparently no different from any of the dozens she had

already passed by and, after assuring herself that no intelligent eyes marked

her, entered it. There was no light now; she guided herself with her fingertips

brushing the grimy walls, counting the doorways: one, two, three, four. The

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