Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

befriended is either an enemy agent or a pawn ofNisibisi propaganda – telling

everyone that he’s been told by the Ilsig gods themselves that Vashanka was

routed … I’d like to silence him permanently.’ Crit’s eyes met Tempus’s then,

and held.

‘No,’ he replied, to all of it, then added: ‘Gods don’t die; men die. Boys die

in multitudes. The thief, Shadowspawn, is no threat to us, just misguided, semi

literate, and vain, like all boys. Bring me a conduit to Jubal, or the slaver

himself. Contact Niko and have him report – if the witch needs a lesson, I

myself will undertake to teach it. And keep your watch upon the fish-eyed folk

from the ships -I’m not sure yet that they’re as harmless as they seem.’

Having given Crit enough to do to keep his mind off the rumours of the god

Vashanka’s troubles – and hence, his own – he rose to leave. ‘Some results, by

week’s end, would be welcome.’ The officer toasted him cynically as Tempus

walked away.

Outside, his Tros horse whinnied joyfully. He stroked its mist-dappled neck and

felt the sweat there. The weather was close, an early heatwave as unwelcome as

the late frosts which had frozen the winter crops a week before their harvest

and killed the young sets just planted in anticipation of a bounteous fall.

He mounted up and headed south by the granaries towards the palace’s north wall

where a gate nowhere as peopled or public as the Gate of the Gods was set into

the wall by the cisterns. He would talk to Prince Kitty-Cat, then tour the Maze

on his way home to the barracks.

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