Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

on them,’ she said abruptly.

‘There’s an execution in the square,’ Samlor said, glancing at his cuff. But it

was unmarked, and even his boot had been too dusty for overt sign where the

severed fingertip had touched it. ‘Oh,’ he said in embarrassment. ‘Oh.’ He

raised his eyes to the S’danzo’s. ‘Life can be hard, lady… and there are

matters of honour. Not my honour since I went into trade -‘ his lip quirked in a

wormwood grimace – ‘but of the family, of the House ofKodrix, yes. I’ve found

little enough that brings me pleasure. But not that, not slaughter. Life is

hard, that’s all.’

Illyra released his palm. The silver clung to her fingers in what was almost a

sleight of hand, professional in that, though the reading was no longer simply

professional or simple at all. ‘Tell me about the child,’ the S’danzo said.

‘Yes,’ the stocky man agreed slowly. Little enough of pleasure, and none at all

in some memories. ‘My sister Samlane was …’ he said, and he paused, ‘not a

slut, I suppose, because she didn’t bed just anybody, and the decision was

always hers. And not a whore, except as a lark, as little coin as there was to

be had in our House … She had a disdain for trade that did credit to the noble

House of Kodrix. Our parents were proud of her, I think, as they never were of

me after I found an honest way to buy their food – and replenish their wine

cellar.’ The grimace again, calling attention to a joke that bit the teller like

a shark.

The woman was quiet, as cool as the shells that whispered in the door curtain.

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