Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

Needs must when the devil drives. Samlor’s great shoulders braced the pole

against the cliff face, not the shelving bottom. Foam echoed back from the rocks

and balanced the surge that had tried to sweep him inward with it. In that

moment of stasis, Samlor shot the punt forward another twenty feet. Then the

surf was on him again, his muscles flexing on the ten-foot pole as they

transferred the sea’s power to the rock, again and again.

Samlor had launched the punt at sunset. By now, he had no feeling for time nor

for the distance he had yet to struggle across to his once-glimpsed goal. He had

a pair of short oars lashed to the forward thwart, but they would have been

totally useless for keeping him off this hungry shore. Samlor was a strong man,

and determined; but the sea was stronger, and the fire in Samlor’s shoulders was

beginning to make him fear that the sea was more determined as well.

Instead of spewing back at him, the next wave continued to be drawn into the

rock. It became a long tongue, glowing with microorganisms. Samlor had reached

the tunnel mouth while he had barely enough consciousness to be aware of the


Even that was not the end of the struggle. The softer parts ofth& rock had been

worn away into edges that could have gobbled the skiff like a duckling caught by

a turtle. Samlor let the next surge carry him in to the depth of his pole. The

phosphorescence limned a line of bronze hand-holds set into the stone. The

powerful Cirdonian dropped his pole into the boat to snatch a grip with both

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