Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

hands. He held it for three racking breaths before he could find the strength to

drag the punt fully aground, further up the tunnel.

The tunnel was unlighted. Even the plankton cast up by the spray illuminated

little more than the surfaces to which it clung. Samlor spent his first several

minutes ashore striking a spark from flint and steel into the tinder he carried

in a wax-plugged tube. At first his fingers seemed as little under his control

as the fibres of the wooden pole they had clutched so fiercely. Conscious

direction returned to them the fine motor control they would need later in the


By the time a spark brightened with yellow flame instead of cooling into

oblivion, Samlor’s mind was at work again as well. His shoulders still ached

while the blood leached fatigue poisons out of his muscles. He had been more

tired than this before, however. The very respite from wave-battering increased

the Cirdonian’s strength.

With the tinder aflame, Samlor lighted the candle of his dark lantern. Then,

carrying a ten-gallon cask under one arm and the lantern in the other hand, he

began to walk up the gently rising tunnel. The lantern’s shutter was open, and

its horn lens threw an oval of light before him.

The tunnel was not spacious, but a man of Samlor’s modest height could walk

safely in it by hunching only a little in his strides. He could not imagine who

had cut the passage through the rock, or why. Scraps – a buckle, a broken knife;

a boot even – suggested that the smugglers used it. Samlor could imagine few

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