Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

an occasional flash where the sun caught the gilding on a Beysib mast. Ils knew

the Beysib were colourful enough, with their embroidered velvets and jewels that

put a sparkle in even Prince Kitty-Cat’s eye, but Lalo had not been asked to

paint any of them so far. Or to paint anything else, for that matter – not for

some time now. Until the good folk of Sanctuary figured out how to transfer some

of their new neighbours’ wealth into their own coffers, no one was going to have

either the resources or the desire to hire Sanctuary’s only notable native

artist to paint new decorations in their halls. Lalo wondered if Enas Yorl’s

gift to him would work on a Beysib. Did the fish-eyes have souls to be revealed?

Without willing it, Lalo found himself turning towards the mirror again.


Gilla’s voice broke the enchantment. She filled the doorway, frowning at him,

and he flushed guiltily. His preoccupation with the mirror bothered her, but she

would have been more than bothered if she had known why it fascinated him so.

‘I’m going shopping,’ she said abruptly. ‘Anything you want me to get for you?’

He shook his head. ‘Am I supposed to be watching the baby while you’re gone?’

Alfi thrust past her flowing skirts and looked up at his father with bright


‘I’m t’ree years old!’ said Alfi. ‘I a big boy now!’

Lalo laughed suddenly and bent to ruffle the mop of fair curls. ‘Of course you


Gilla towered above him like the statue of Shipri All-Mother in the old temple.

‘I’ll take him with me,’ she said. ‘The streets have been quiet lately, and he

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