Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

that hung on the wall.

Lalo heard a dog barking furiously in the street and two women squabbling in the

courtyard below and, more faintly, the perpetual hubbub of the Bazaar; but here

it was very still. A stretched canvas sat ready on his easel – he had been

planning to spend this morning blocking out a scene of the marriage of Ils and

Shipri. But there was no one else in the house now – no one to peer through his

doorway and ask what he thought he was doing – no one to see.

Like a sleepwalker, Lalo lifted the easel to one side of the mirror, positioned

himself so that the light from the window fell full on his face, and picked up

the paintbrush.

Then, like a lover losing himself for the first time in the body of his beloved,

or an outmatched swordsman opening his guard to his enemy’s final blow, Lalo

began to paint what he saw.

Gilla heaved the basket of groceries on to the table, rescued the sack of flour

from the child’s exploring fingers, and poured it into the bin, then found a

wooden spoon for Alfi and set him down, where he began to bang it merrily

against the floor. She stood for a moment, still a little out of breath from the

stairs, then began to put her other purchases away.

It did not take long. The influx of Beysib had strained Sanctuary’s food supply,

and their wealth had sent prices climbing, and though Gilla had hoarded a fair

amount of silver, there was no telling how long it would be until Lalo was

working regularly again. So it was back to rice and beans for the family, with

an occasional fish in the stew. Now that so many new ships had been added to the

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