Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

Sanctuary – some inner darkness into which a man might fall forever and find no


Shivering, Gilla tried to close his eyelids, but they slid open again upon that

awful, sightless stare. She could feel a scream crouched in her breast, waiting

for her to give way to horror and set it free. but she set her teeth painfully

and heaved herself to her feet.

Hysterics would do neither of them any good now. Time enough to release the

grief that was building in her when – if – there was no hope for him. Perhaps it

was some strange seizure that would soon pass, or a new sickness that time and

her strict nursing would cure. Or perhaps (her mind probed delicately at a

darker thought and flinched away), perhaps it was sorcery.

‘Lalo -‘ she said softly, as if her voice could still reach him somehow, ‘Lalo

my darling, it’s all right. I’ll get you a doctor; I’ll make you get well!’

Already her mind was considering. If he did not wake of himself by tomorrow she

would have to find a physician – perhaps Alien Stulwig – she had heard that his

potions saved more lives than they took.

The teakettle began to wail, and as she hurried across the room. her hip set the

easel teetering. Without stopping, she picked it up and set it in the corner

with the picture facing the wall.

Lalo peered uneasily through murky clouds that roiled about him like the mage

wind that had devastated Sanctuary the year before. But his life was still in

him, though the stink was enough to drive the breath from a man’s lungs. For a

moment he thought himself back in the sewers of the Maze, but there was too much

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