Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

Westgate that opened out on to the familiar streets of Sanctuary that she paused

for breath and turned to meet her daughter’s wide eyes.

‘Vanda, you are a woman now, old enough to take care of the younger ones if you

must, and old enough, perhaps, to understand. If this works, you must promise

never to tell your father what I have done for him.’

‘And if it doesn’t?’ Vanda said in a very small voice.

Gilla gazed at the teeming life around her, sunlight glaring harshly off browned

faces, sounds of quarrelling and laughter, the rich mixture of odours from the

street, and for a moment felt as if she had lost her skin and had become a part

of all of these.

‘I have borne seven children and seen two die, and lived with the same contrary

man for twenty-six years,’ she said slowly, ‘and I have just realized that I

would sacrifice this whole city for one lock of his hair. If this stuff I am

going to give him kills him,’ she shook the hand in which the crystal vial lay

hidden, ‘I’m sorry, Vanda, but I will go after him.’

Lalo the god was creating a woman, a goddess as beautiful as Eshi, as bountiful

as Shipri, as wise as Sabellia, as dear to him as someone – he could not

remember, but the brush splashed gold like sunlight across Her hair. There, the

ripeness of breasts that could feed a dozen babes, and the opulence of haunch

and thigh, and skin smoother than the silk of Sihan … Lalo smiled, and the

brush moved as if of itself to suffuse that white flesh with a rosy glow like

the inside of a shell.

And then he stepped back from the easel, smiling, and the figure he had been

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