Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

weighed the parcel carelessly in his hand for a moment, then nodded and slipped

the entire thing into his tunic, secretly enjoying the look of dismay that

crossed the youth’s face as Mikali realized the fine handkerchief would not be


Though I took my post on the wharf near midday, it was after dark before the

fleet had anchored and the first of the Beysib ventured ashore. It was so dark,

I did not even see the small boat being lowered over the side of one of the

ships. Not until they lit torches and began pulling for the wharf was I aware of

their intent to make contact before first light,’ Hakiem began.

Indeed, on that night Hakiem had nearly dozed off before he realized a boat was

finally on its way from the fleet. Even a storyteller’s curiosity had its


‘It was a sight to frighten children with; that torchlit craft creeping towards

our town like some great spider from a nightmare, stalking its prey across an

ink-black mirror. Though I was hailed as brave, it embarrasses me not to admit

that I watched from the shadows. The wise know that darkness can shield the weak

as easily as it harries the strong.’

There were nods of acknowledgement throughout the crowd. This was Sanctuary, and

every listener, regardless of social status, had sought refuge in the shadows

more than once as the occasion arose, and did it more often than he would care

to admit.

‘Still, once they were ashore, I could see they were men not greatly different

from us, so I stepped forth from my place of concealment and went to meet them.’

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