Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

accomplished; he could honestly say that neither town nor townspeople nor effete

prince was worth struggling to ennoble. For good measure he was willing to throw

into the stewpot of disgust boiling in him both Vashanka and the child he had

co-fathered with the god, by means of whom certain interests thought to hold him

here: he disliked children, as a class, and even Vashanka had turned his back on

this one.

Still, there were things he had to do. He went and found Crit in the guild

hostel’s common room and told him all that had transpired. If Crit had refused

the appointment outright, Tempus would have had to tarry, but Critias only

smiled cynically, saying that he’d be along with his best fighters as soon as

matters here allowed. He left One-Thumb’s case in Critias’s hands; they both

knew that Straton could determine the degree of the barkeep’s complicity quickly


Crit asked, as Tempus was leaving the dark and comforting common room for the

last time, whether any children’s bodies had been found – three girls and boys

still were missing; one young corpse had turned up cold in Shambles Cross.

‘No,’ Tempus said, and thought no more about it. ‘Life to you. Critias.’

‘And to you, Riddler. And everlasting glory.’

Outside, Jihan was waiting on one Tros horse, the other’s reins in her hand.

They went first southwest to see if perhaps the witch or her agents might be

found at home, but the manor house and its surrounds were deserted, the yard

criss-crossed with cart-tracks from heavily laden wagons’ wheels.

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