Thieves World 7 – The Dead of Winter by Asprin, Robert

Seylalha shouted desperate orders as Vanda and the nursemaids scuttled

frantically to move children and bedding up to the playroom by the roof garden

while above the Palace the sky rumbled echoes of the storm-children’s rage.

Gyskouras picked up the vase that had been the gift of a royal ambassador and

threw it; Arton grabbed a wooden horse and flung it back at him. Lightnings

clashed outside and sizzled down the sides of buildings fortunately too

watersoaked to burn.

Conflicting winds made a chaos of the orderly banks of cloud, shook the Beysib

ships at anchor, plucked off roof tiles and uprooted trees, and folk who had

watched the rise of the waters with a nagging dread now trembled with active


And Roxane, sensing the chaos in the heavens, laughed, for this was more than

she had hoped for. She changed her strategy, using her control of the elementals

to hold back the waters, forcing them to spread sideways into the town.

Gilla could feel the force of the winds even through the witch’s wards. Roxane

was still secluded, but though her minions knew no particulars, they reflected

her emotions, and the growing atmosphere of malicious glee terrified Gilla. What

was happening in Sanctuary?

She bent over a crate into which she had dumped half a dinner service-worth of

broken crockery which she had found behind the bags of mouldering roots in the

pantry and shoved it across the room. What this house needed was not a broom,

but a shovel! Still bent over, she glanced around her.

The two house snakes were curled contentedly in their baskets before the stove.

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