Thieves World 8 – Soul of the City by Asprin, Robert

witch’s failure to protect her mortal shell and recognized the same mystic

illness from which she herself had only just recovered. For a fleeting moment

Ischade felt a sense of pity that one so powerful should be conquered by an

accumulation of minute errors. Then she set about weaving a gossamer web to

ground the globe’s radiant energy in her focal possessions as fast as

Roxane/Tasfalen could create it.

The faster the globe whirled, the stronger Ischade’s binding threads became,

until the whole house rattled and dust fell in flakes from the ancient

roofbeams-and still the Nisi witch sang her curses into the artifact. The

necromancer played out the last strand and stood up in the wash of blue light.

Tasfalen’s dead eye gave no indication of recognition; Rox-ane was too deeply

enmeshed in her spell-casting to spare the energy for simple words. A shriek of

rage emanated from the globe itself as the Nisi witch launched her attack-a

shriek that shattered abruptly as the power surged into Ischade’s handiwork and

made the web brilliantly visible. Curls of smoke twisted up from the weaker

foci, but the web held. Ischade began to laugh, savoring her counterpart’s

growing terror.

Roxane flailed helplessly with Tasfalen’s rigor-stricken arms, struggling to

free herself from the power gnawing at her soul.

“The wards!” Roxane’s disembodied voice howled above the globe’s whine. “No

wards! He comes for me!”

The Globe of Power spun faster, first swallowing the witch’s voice, then

swallowing her body within its cobalt sphere. Gouts of fire sprang up in the

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