Ticktock by Dean Koontz

“Oh, yes. It’s the music that might redeem our planet—if it could be redeemed by music alone.”

“But you’re a child of the fifties.”

“Rock-‘n’-roll,” she said. “Yes. I love rock-‘n’-roll. But this is the music that appeals to the galaxy.”

He mulled over those four words: “Appeals to the galaxy.”

“Yes. As no other.”

“You’re so like your daughter,” he said.

Beaming, Mrs. Payne said, “I love you too, Tommy.”

“So you collect old radio programs.”

“Collect?” she asked, baffled.

He indicated the radio on the coffee table. “Is it a cassette player, or are they issuing those collectibles on CDs now?”

“No, dear, we’re listening to the original program live.”

“Live on tape.”

“Just live.”

“Glenn Miller died in World War Two.”

“Yes,” Mrs. Payne said, “in nineteen forty-five. I’m surprised anyone of your age would remember him—or when he died.”

“Swing music is so American,” Tommy said. “I love everything American, I really do.”

“That’s one reason you’re so strongly drawn to Del,” she said happily. “Deliverance is so thoroughly American, so open to possibilities.”

“Back to Glenn Miller, if we may. He died more than fifty years ago.”

“So sad,” Mrs. Payne acknowledged, stroking Scootie.

“Well then.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Oh, I see your confusion.”

“Only one small part of it.”

“Excuse me, dear?”

“At this point, no one alive is capable of grasping the enormous dimensions of my confusion,” Tommy assured her.

“Really? Then perhaps your diet’s deficient. You might not be getting enough vitamin B complex.”


“Along with vitamin E,” Mrs. Payne explained, “a good B-complex supplement can clarify mental processes.”

“I thought you were going to tell me to eat tofu.”

“Good for the prostate.”

“Glenn Miller,” Tommy reminded her, indicating the radio that still swung with “American Patrol.”

“Let me clear up this one little confusion,” she said. “We’re listening to this broadcast live because my radio has trans-temporal tuning capabilities.”


“Cross-time, yes. Earlier I was listening to Jack Benny live. He was an enormously funny man. No one like him today.”

“Who sells radios with trans-temporal tuning capabilities, Winona? Sears?”

“Do they? I don’t think so. As for how I got my little radio, I’ll have to let Deliverance explain. It’s related to Mud Lake, you know.”

“Trans-temporal radio,” Tommy mused. “I think I prefer to believe in Big Foot.”

“You can’t possibly,” Mrs. Payne said disapprovingly.

“Why not? I now believe in devil dolls and demons.”

“Yes, but they’re real.”

Tommy checked his wristwatch again. “It’s still raining.”

She cocked her head and listened to the faint drumming of the rain on the well-insulated roof of The Great Pile, and Scootie cocked his head as well. After a moment, she said, “Yes, it is. Such a restful sound.”

“You told Del the rain would stop in four minutes. You were so precise about it.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“But it’s still raining.”

“Four minutes haven’t passed yet.”

Tommy tapped his watch.

She said, “Dear, your watch is wrong. It’s taken a lot of battering tonight.”

Tommy held the wristwatch to his ear, listened, and said, “Ticktock.”

“Ten seconds yet,” she said.

He counted them off, then looked at her and smiled ruefully.

The rain continued to fall.

At fifteen seconds, the rain abruptly stopped.

Tommy’s smile faded, and Mrs. Payne’s returned.

“You were five seconds off,” he said.

“I never claimed to be God, dear.”

“What do you claim to be, Lilith?”

She pursed her lips, considering his question, and then said, “Just an ex-ballerina with a considerable amount of enriching and strange experience.”

Slumping back in his armchair, Tommy said, “I’m never going to doubt a Payne woman again.”

“That’s a wise decision, dear.”

“What’s a wise decision?” Del asked as she returned.

Mrs. Payne said, “He’s decided never to doubt a Payne woman.”

“Never doubting a Payne woman,” Del said, “is not just wise. It’s the prerequisite for survival.”

“Although I keep thinking about the female preying mantis,” Tommy said.

“How so?”

“After she mates, she bites the head off her partner and eats him alive.”

Mrs. Payne said, “I think you’ll discover that Payne women will usually settle for a cup of tea and a scone.”

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Categories: Koontz, Dean