Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John le Carré

‘Bill was abroad,’ said Jim shortly.

‘Who told you that?’


‘So you never saw Bill: since Testify, your oldest, closest friend, he disappeared.’

‘You heard what Toby said. I was out of bounds. Quarantine.’

‘Bill was never much of a one for regulations, though, was he?’ said Smiley, in a reminiscent tone.

‘And you were never one to see him straight,’ Jim barked.

‘Sorry I wasn’t there when you called on me before you left for Czecho,’ Smiley remarked after a small pause. ‘Control had pushed me over to Germany to get me out of the light and when I came back – what was it that you wanted, exactly?’

‘Nothing. Thought Czecho might be a bit hairy. Thought I’d give you the nod, say goodbye.’

‘Before a mission?’ cried Smiley in mild surprise. ‘Before such a special mission?’ Jim showed no sign that he had heard. ‘Did you give anyone else the nod? I suppose we were all away. Toby, Roy – Bill, did he get one?’

‘No one.’

‘Bill was on leave, wasn’t he? But I gather he was around all the same.’

‘No one,’ Jim insisted, as a spasm of pain caused him to lift his right shoulder and rotate his head. ‘All out,’ he said.

‘That’s very unlike you, Jim,’ said Smiley in the same mild tone, ‘to go round shaking hands with people before you go on vital missions. You must have been getting sentimental in your old age. It wasn’t…’ He hesitated. ‘It wasn’t advice or anything that you wanted, was it? After all, you did think the mission was poppycock, didn’t you? And that Control was losing his grip. Perhaps you felt you should take your problem to a third party? It all had rather a mad air, I agree.’

Learn the facts, Steed-Asprey used to say, then try on the stories like clothes.

With Jim locked in a furious silence they returned to the car.

At the motel Smiley drew twenty postcard-sized photographs from the recesses of his greatcoat and laid them out in two lines across the ceramic table. Some were snaps, some portraits; all were of men and none of them looked English. With a grimace Jim picked out two and handed them to Smiley. He was sure of the first, he muttered, less sure of the second. The first was the head man, the frosty gnome. The second was one of the swine who watched from the shadows while the thugs took Jim to pieces. Smiley returned the photographs to his pocket. As he topped up their glasses for a nightcap, a less tortured observer than Jim might have noticed a sense not of triumph but of ceremony about him; as though the drink were putting a seal on something.

‘So when was the last time you saw Bill, actually? To talk to,’ Smiley asked, just as one might about any old friend. He had evidently disturbed Jim in other thoughts, for he took a moment to lift his head and catch the question.

‘Oh, round about,’ he said carelessly. ‘Bumped into him in the corridors I suppose.’

‘And to talk to? Never mind.’ For Jim had returned to his other thoughts.

Jim would not be driven all the way to school. Smiley had to drop him short, at the top of the tarmac path that led through the graveyard to the church. He had left some workbooks in the ante-chapel, he said. Momentarily, Smiley felt disposed to disbelieve him, but could not understand why. Perhaps because he had come to the opinion that after thirty years in the trade, Jim was still a rather poor liar. The last Smiley saw of him was that lopsided shadow striding towards the Norman porch as his heels cracked like gunshot between the tombs.

Smiley drove to Taunton and from the Castle Hotel made a string of telephone calls. Though exhausted he slept fitfully between visions of Karla sitting at Jim’s table with two crayons, and Cultural Attaché Polyakov alias Viktorov, fired by concern for the safety of his mole Gerald, waiting impatiently in the interrogation cell for Jim to break. Lastly of Toby Esterhase bobbing into Sarratt in place of the absent Haydon, cheerfully advising Jim to forget all about Tinker, Tailor, and his dead inventor, Control.

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Categories: John Le Carre