Title: Cosmic enginers. Author: Clifford D. Simak

out,” he said.

“I am tired,” she confessed. They walked a few steps. “We had so much to

do,” she said, “and apparently so little time to do it in. The Engineers

sound as if they are getting desperate. They seem to think the danger is

very near.”

“What I can’t figure out,” Gary told her, “is what we are going to do when

we get there. They seem to be head and shoulders over us in scientific

knowledge. If they can’t work it out, I don’t see how we can help them.”

Her voice was full of weariness as she answered him.

“Neither do I,” she said, “but they seemed so excited when they found out

who we were, when I described our solar system to them and told them that

the race had originated on the third planet. They asked so many questions

about what kind of beings we were. It took a lot of explaining to get

across the idea that we were protoplasmic creatures, and when they finally

understood that they seemed even more excited.”

“Maybe,” suggested Gary, “protoplasmic beings are a rarity throughout the

universe. Maybe they never heard of folks like us before.”

She wheeled on him. “There’s something funny about it all, Gary. Something

funny about how anxious they are for us to come, how insistent they are in

trying to find out so much about us… the extent of our science and our

past history.”

He thought he detected a quaver of fear in her voice. “Don’t let it get

you,” he said. “If it gets too funny, we can always quit. We don’t have to

play their game, you know.”

“No,” she said, “we can’t do that. They need us, need us to help them save

the universe. I’m convinced of that.”

She stepped quickly forward to help Kingsley.

“Hand me that hammer,” said Kingsley’s voice, and Gary stooped down, picked

up the heavy hammer from the base of the machine and handed it to the


“Hell,” complained Herb, “that’s all we’ve done for days now. We’ve handed

you wrenches and hammers and pins and bolts until I see them in my sleep.”

Kingsley’s chuckle sounded in their helmets as he swung the hammer against

a crossbar, driving it into the mechanism at a slightly different angle.

Gary craned back his neck and gazed up the spiraling, towering height of

the machine, out beyond into the blackness of space, studded with

cruel-eyed stars. Out there, somewhere, was the rim of space. Out there,

somewhere, a race of beings who called themselves the Cosmic Engineers were

fighting a great danger which threatened the universe. He tried to imagine

such a danger… a danger that would be a threat to that mighty bowl of

matter and energy men called the universe, a living, expanding thing

enclosed by curving time and space. But his brain swam with the bigness of

the thought and he gave it up. It was entirely too big to even think about.

Tommy Evans was coming across the field from the hangar. He hailed them

joyously. “The old tub is ready any time you are,” he shouted.

Kingsley straightened from adjusting a series of prisms set around the base

of the machine. “We’re ready now,” he said.

“Well, then,” said Herb, “let us get going.”

Kingsley stared out into space. “Not yet,” he said. “We’re swinging out of

direct line with the Engineers. We’ll wait until the planet rotates again.

We can’t hold the warp continuously. If we did, the rotation of Pluto would

twist it out of shape. The machine, once the warp is set up, will act

automatically, establishing the warp when it swings into the right position

and maintaining it through forty-five degrees of Pluto’s rotation.”

“What happens,” asked Gary, “if we can’t complete the trip from here to the

edge of the universe before Pluto travels that forty-five degrees? We might

roll out of the warp and find ourselves marooned thousands of light-years

between galaxies.”

“I don’t know,” said Kingsley. “I’m trusting the Engineers.”

“Sure,” said Herb, “we’re all trusting the Engineers. I hope to Heaven they

know what they’re doing.”

Together the five of them trudged up the path to the main lock of the

laboratory. “Something to eat,” said Kingsley, “and a good sleep and we’ll

be starting out. All of us are pretty tuckered now.”

In the little kitchen they crowded around the table, gulping steaming

coffee and munching sandwiches. Beside Kingsleys’ plate was a sheaf of

spacegrams that Ted had brought up for him to read. Kingsley leafed through

them irritably.

“Cranks,” he rumbled. “Hundreds of them. All with ideas crazier than the

one we have. And the biggest one of them all is the government. Imagine the

government forbidding us to go ahead with our work. Orders to desist!” He

snorted. “Some damn law that the Purity league got passed a hundred years

or more ago and still standing on the statutes. Gives the government power

to stop any experiment which might result in the loss of life or the

destruction of property.”

“The Purity league is still going pretty strong,” said Gary, “although it

works mostly undercover now. Too much politics mixed up in it.”

He dug into the pocket of his coat and hauled forth a sheet of yellow

paper. “I got this a while ago,” he said. “I plain forgot about it until

now. Too much other excitement.”

He handed the sheet to Kinsgley. The folded paper crackled crisply as

Kingsley unfolded it. It was a sheet off the teletype in the Space Pup and

it read:





Kingsley crumpled the message savagely in his fist. “When did you get

this?” he thundered.

“Just a couple of hours ago,” said Gary. “It will take them days to get


“We’ll be gone long before they even sight Pluto,” Tommy said, his words

mumbled through a huge bite of sandwich.

“That’s right,” agreed Kingsley, “but it makes me sore. The damn government

always meddling in other people’s affairs. Setting itself up as a judge and

jury. Figuring it never can be wrong.” He growled wickedly at the sandwich

he held in one mighty fist, bit at it viciously.

Herb looked around the room. “This being sort of a farewell banquet,” he

said, “I sure wish we had something to drink. We ought to drink a toast to

the Solar System before we leave it. We ought to make it just a little like

a celebration.”

“We’d have something to drink if you hadn’t been so clumsy with that

Scotch,” Gary reminded him.

“Hell,” retorted Herb, “that would have been gone long ago, with you making

a pass at it every time you came in reach.” He sighed and tilted his coffee

cup against his face.

Kingsley’s laugh thundered through the room. “Wait a minute, boys,” he

said. He went to a cupboard and removed a double row of canned vegetables

from a shelf. A quart bottle filled with amber liquor was revealed. He set

it on the table.

“Wash out your coffee cups,” he said. “We haven’t any glasses.”

The liquor splashed into the coffee cups and they stood to drink a toast.

The telephone in the next room rang.

They set down their cups and waited as Kingsley went to answer it. They

heard his roar of excitement and quick fire of rumbling questions. Then he

was striding back into the room.

“My assistant, Jensen, was up in the observatory just now,” he shouted at

them. “He spotted five ships coming in, only a few hours out. Police


Herb had lifted his cup and now with a clatter it fell to the table,

breaking. The liquor dripped to the floor.

Gary flared at him. “What’s the matter with you?” he asked. “You get the

shakes every time you get anywhere near a drink.”

“That message Gary got,” Tommy was saying. “There must have been something

wrong. Maybe the ships were out near Neptune when they were ordered out


“What would they be doing out near Neptune?” snapped Herb.

Tommy shrugged. “Police ships are always snooping around,” he said. “You

find them everywhere.”

They stared at one another in a deathly silence.

“They can’t stop us now,” whispered Caroline. “They just can’t.”

“There’s still a couple of hours before the space warp contact with the

Engineers would be broken if we set it up now,” said Tommy. “Maybe we could

make it. The ship is ready.”

“Ask the Engineers,” said Gary. “Find out how soon they can get us there.”

Kingsley’s voice thundered commands. “Caroline,” he was shouting, “get the

Engineers! Find out if it would be safe to start now. Tommy, get out the

spaceship! The rest of you grab what stuff we need and get down to the

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Categories: Simak, Clifford