Title: Cosmic enginers. Author: Clifford D. Simak

Chapter Sixteen

THE city of the Engineers lay in ruins, but above it, fighting desperately,

battling valiantly to hold off the hordes of Hellhounds, the tiny remnant

of the Engineer battle fleet still stood between it and complete


The proud towers were blasted into dust and the roadways and parks were

sifted with the white cloud of destruction, the powdered masonry smashed

and pulverized to drifting fragments by the disintegrator rays and the

atomic bombs. Twisted bits of wreckage littered the chaotic wastes of

shattered stone – wreckage of Engineer and Hellhound ships that had met in

the shock of battle and plunged in flaming ruin.

Gary glanced skyward anxiously. “I hope they can hold them off,” he said,

“long enough for the energy to build up.”

Caroline straightened from the bank of instruments mounted upon the roof

outside the laboratory.

“It’s building up fast,” she said. “I’m almost afraid. It might get out of

control, you know. But we have to have enough energy to start with. If the

first stroke doesn’t utterly destroy the Hellhounds, we won’t have a second


Gary’s mind ran over the hectic days of work, the mad scramble against

time. He remembered once again how Kingsley and Tommy had gone out to the

edge of the universe to create a huge bubble of space-time, warping the rim

of space into a hump, curving the time-space continuum into a hypersphere

that finally closed and divorced itself from the parent body, pinching off

like a yeast bud to become an independent universe in the inter-space.

It had taken power to do that, a surging channel of energy that poured out

of the magnetic power transmitter, crossing space in a tight beam to be at

hand for the making of a new universe. But it had taken even more power to

“skin” a hypersphere, to turn it through a theoretical fifth dimension

until it was of the stuff that the inter-space was made of – a place where

time did not exist, a place whose laws were not the laws of the universe, a

mystery region that was astonishingly easy to maneuver through space once

it was created. It wasn’t a sphere or a hypersphere – it was a strange

dimension that apparently did not lend itself to measurement, or to

definition, or to identification by any of the normal senses of perception.

But whatever it was, it hung there above the city, although there was no

clue to its existence. It couldn’t be seen or sensed – just something that

had been created from equations supplied by the last man living out his

final days on a dying planet, equations that Caroline had scribbled on the

back of a crumpled envelope. An envelope, Gary remembered, that had carried

an irate letter from a creditor back on Earth who felt that be should have

long since been paid. “Too long overdue,” the letter had said. Gary

grinned, Back on Earth the creditor undoubtedly still was sending him

letters pointing out that the account was becoming longer overdue with the

passing of each month.

Outside the universe that tiny, created hypersphere was bumping along,

creating frictional stress, creating a condition for the creation of the

mysterious energy of eternity – an energy that even now was pouring into

the universe and being absorbed by the fifth-dimensional frame that poised

above the city.

A new, raw energy from a region that had no time, an energy that was at

once timeless and formless, but an energy that was capable of being

crystallized into any form.

Kingsley was standing beside Gary, his great head bent, staring upward. “An

energy field,” he said, “and what energy! Like a battery, storing up that

energy from interspace. I hope it does what Caroline thinks it will.”

“Don’t worry,” said Gary. “You saw the mathematics that she brought back.”

“Sure, I saw the mathematics,” Kingsley said, “but I couldn’t understand


He shook his head inside the helmet.

“What’s the universe coming to?” he asked.

Caroline spoke quietly to the Engineer.

“There’s plenty of energy now,” she said. “You may call them down.”

The Engineer, headphones clamped upon his skull, apparently was giving

orders to the Engineer fleet, but the Earthlings couldn’t catch his


“Watch now,” chirped Herb. “This is going to be a sight worth seeing.”

High above the city a ship dropped, flashing downward, like a silver

bullet. Another dropped and still another, until the entire Engineer fleet,

blackened and ripped and decimated, was in full retreat, flashing back

toward the ruined city. And in their wake came the triumphant Hellhounds, a

victorious pack in full cry, determined to wipe out the last trace of a

hated civilization.

The Engineer had snatched the headphones off, was racing to the set of

controls. Gary, glancing from the battle scene above, saw his metal fingers

reach out and manipulate controls, saw Caroline pick up an ordinary


He knew that the Engineer was shifting the fifth-dimensional mass into a

position between them and the screaming fleet of death above them, shifting

that field of terrible energy into the Hellhounds’ path.

The last of the Engineer fleet had reached the city, was shrieking down

between the shattered towers, as if fleeing for its very life.

And only a few miles above them, in what amounted to a mass formation, the

Hellhound fleet was plunging down, guns silent now, protective screens

still up, grim and ghastly ships running their quarry to the ground.

Gary’s body tensed as he saw Caroline’s arm swing up, clutching the tiny

flashlight, pointing it at the on-driving fleet.

He saw the flash of light burn upward, pale in the light of the sinking

suns – a tiny, feeble, ineffective beam of light stabbing at the oncoming

ships. Like taking a swipe at a grizzly bear with a pancake turner.

And then the heavens seemed to blaze with light and a streamer of

blue-white intensity whipped out toward the ships. Protective screens

flared briefly and then exploded into a million flashing sparks. For the

space of one split second, before he could get his hand up to shield his

eyes against the inferno in the sky, Gary saw the gaunt black skeletons of

the Hellhound ships, writhing and disappearing in the surging blast of

energy that tore at them and twisted them and finally, in the snapping of

one’s finger, utterly destroyed them.

The sky was empty, as empty as if there had never been a Hellhound ship.

There was no sign of the fifth-dimensional mass, no hint of ship or gun –

just the blue of the sky, ashing into violet as the three suns swung below

the far-off horizon.

“Well,” said Herb, and Gary could hear his voice sobbing with excitement,

“that’s the end of the Hellhounds.”

Yes, that was the end of the Hellhounds, thought Gary. There was nothing in

the universe that could stand before such a blast of energy. When the

light, the tiny, feeble beam from the ridiculous little flash had struck

the energy field, the energy, that timeless, formless stuff, had suddenly

crystallized, had taken on the form of the energy that it had encountered.

And in a burst of light it had struck at the Hellhounds, struck with

terrible effectiveness – with entire lack of mercy, had wiped them out in

the winking of one’s eye.

He tried to imagine that blast of light moving out into the universe. It

would travel for years, would flash its merciless way for many thousands of

light-years. In time its energy would wane, would slowly dissipate, would

lose some of its power in the vast spaces of intergalactic space. And

perhaps the day would come when all its energy would be gone. But meanwhile

nothing could stand in its way, nothing could resist it. In years to come

great suns might explode into invisible gas as the frightful beam of power

reached them and annihilated them and then passed on. And some astronomer,

catching the phenomena in his lens, would speculate upon just what had


He turned slowly around and faced Caroline. “How does it feel,” he asked,

“to win a war?”

The face she turned to him was strained and worn. “Don’t say that to me,”

she said. “I had to do it. They were a terrible race, but they were alive –

and there is so little life in this universe.”

“You need some sleep,” he said.

He saw the tragic lines of her mouth.

“There is no sleep,” she said. “No rest at all. We have just started. We

have to save the universe. We have to create more and more of the

fifth-dimensional frameworks, many of them and larger. To absorb the energy

when the universes meet.”

Gary started. He had forgotten the approaching universe. So absorbed had

they become in ending the Hellhound attack that the edge of the real and

greater danger had been dulled.

But now, brought back to it, he realized the job they faced.

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