Title: Gate of Ivrel. Author: C. J. Cherryh

Erij nudged him with his foot. “He never did forgive you, you know.”

“I did not expect that he would,” Vanye said without turning around.

“He never forgave me either,” said Erij after a moment, “for being the one of us two legitimate sons that lived. And for being less than perfect afterward. Father loved perfection—in women, in horses—in his sons. You disappointed him first. And scarred me. He hated leaving Nhi to a cripple.”

Vanye could bear it no longer. He turned upon his knees and made the bow he had never paid his brother, that of respect due his head-of-clan, pressing his brow to the stones. Then he straightened, looked up in desperate appeal. “Let me ride out of here, brother. Ihave duty to her. She was not well, and I have an oath to her that I have to keep. If I survive that, then I will come back, and we will settle matters.”

Erij only looked at him. He thought that perhaps this was

what Erij was seeking after all, that he lose his pride. Erij smiled gently.

“Go to your room,” he said.

Vanye swore, angry and miserable, and rose up and did as he was bidden, back to the wretchedness of Kandrys’ room, back to dust and ghosts and filth, forced to sleep in Kandrys’ bed, and wear Kandrys’ clothes, and pace the floor in loneliness.

It rained that night. Water splashed in through the crack in the unpainted and rotting shutters, and thunder crashed alarmingly as it always did off the side of the mountains. He squinted against the lightning flashes and stared out into the relief of hills against the clouds, wondering how Morgaine fared, whether she lived or had succumbed to her wound, and whether she had managed to find shelter. In time, the rain turned to sleet, and the thunder continued to roll.

By morning a little crust of snow lay on everything, and Ra-morij’s ancient stones were clean. But traffic back and forth in the courtyard soon began, and tracked the ground into brown. Snow never stayed long in Morija, except in Alis Kaje, or the cap of Proeth.

It would, he thought, make things easier for any that followed a trail, and that thought made him doubly uneasy.

All that day, as the day before, no one came, not even to supply him with food. And in the evening came the summons that he expected, and he must again sit with Erij at table, he at one side and Erij at the other.

This evening there was a Chya longbow in the middle of the table amid the dishes and the wine.

“Am I supposed to ask the meaning of it?” Vanye said finally.

“Chya tried our border in the night. Your prediction was true: Morgaine does have unusual followers.”

“I am sure,” said Vanye, “that she did not summon them.”

“We killed five of them,” said Erij, self-pleased.

“I met a man in Ra-leth,” said Vanye, thin-lipped, the while he poured himself wine, “whose image you have grown to be, legitimate brother, heir of Rijan. Who kept rooms as you keep them, and guests as you keep them, and honor as you keep it.”

Erij seemed amused by that, but the cover was thin. “Bas-

tard brother, your humor is sharp this evening. You are growing over-confident in my hospitality.”

“Brother-killing will be no better for you than it was to me,” Vanye said, keeping his voice quiet and calm, far more so than he felt inside. “Even if you are able to keep your hall well filled with Myya, like those fine servants of yours the other side of the door—it is Nhi that you rule. You ought to remember that. Cut my throat and there are Nhi who will not forget it.”

“Do you think so?” Erij returned, leaning back. “You have no direct kin in Nhi, bastard brother: only me. And I do not think Chya will be able to do anything—if they cared, which I much doubt they do. And she was quick enough to leave you. I would that I knew what there was in the witch that could turn the likes of you into the faithful servant, Vanye the self-serving, Vanye the coward. And no bed-sharing, either. That is a great sorcery, that you would give that loyal a service to anyone. You were always much better at ambushes.”

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J