To The Far Blue Mountains by Louis L’Amour

the cries of the marsh birds and the glow of the last light on the yellow water

lilies. Nor shall I forget the sound of oars as a boat moves through the fens,

or the way the morning mist lies close above the grass.”

“You were born here?”

“In the cottage we just left My father was a soldier home from the wars, given

this land in respect of things done. It was what he wanted, I think, land of his

own and a free, honest life. He had lived by the blade and bow in many a land.

He taught me much the schools teach, and much that no school could teach, and I

honor him for it. He wanted a better life for me, and I shall have it, in

America.” Black Tom nodded.

“My father finished his life,” I continued, “and made a better foothold for me.

And I in my time shall do the same for my sons. Yet it is honor I wish for them,

honor and pride of person, not wealth. Nor do I wish for titles, or a place near

a Queen or a King, for pride of title or family is an empty thing, b’ke dry

leaves that blow in the cold winds of autumn.”

“You have a wife?”

“Nay … but soon, if all goes well. A bonny lass who will go with me to

America.” I considered, and smiled. “It is not so much that I wish to take her

to that wild land, but that she will not be left behind. She’s a lovely lass,

and we sail well together. I’ve a fine ship waiting, a cargo loaded, and she

waits upon the wind … and me.”

“She must be a strong lass, to risk a wild land.”

“Aye, and I’ve thought much upon that, Tom. It is well for men to risk dangers,

for we have broad backs to bear the blows, but I marvel at the courage of women

who go with us, and must think of bearing children alone, and in a far place.

“I wonder sometimes. Why do I go, Tom, when I have this? If Queen Bess drains

the fens I would be a man of wealth, for much of this about us is mine. But I

will not stay for it.”

“With me it is different, lad. There’s the noose at Tyburn waiting for my neck,”

said Tom.

“Perhaps, Tom. But think you: others like you stay. How many men in Britain

today would sail for America? How many do you know that have lurked in the

towns, hiding or moving from place to place rather than try a new land? They

hide from change. They fear it. We do not.”

“What of the savages there?”

“I have known but few, and as their lives need strength, they respect strength.

As they must fight with their enemies, they respect a fighter. As a coward is a

danger to them, they despise a coward.

“There are honest men among them, and dishonest, even as with us. One must deal

fairly, and watch himself against weakness, for they despise that. Give no gift

without reason or they will think it an offering from fear, and kill you out of


“In the forest they are masters, craftsmen as sure and true as men can be, and

there’s much to learn from them. Vast areas of the land seem to be uninhabited,

for they are few in proportion to its size. They are a different people, of

different backgrounds, and you cannot expect them to react like Christians. They

have not heard of turning the other cheek—”

“And well enough they haven’t. I never got far with that myself.”

We came upon William. He and I had much of which to talk, of plantings and

harvests and what to do with the money earned from the produce of my land,

little though it was. In all I owned but some small pieces of tillable land, and

some from which rushes might be cut—enough for a man’s living and a bit over.

William was a solid man, and I’d promised him half. When there was sufficient

earned, he was to buy another small piece of land.

“And what if you come not back, Barnabas?”

“Leave it in the trust of a good man. For if I come not back, a son of mine

surely will.”

William and I had known each other from boyhood, although he was the older by

some seven years, a strong, resolute man who had land and crops, and worked hard

with his hands.

I said to him, “And if the time comes you wish to cross the sea, come to me and

I shall find a place for you.”

“I am an Englishman, Barnabas. I want no more than England.”

Was he wiser than I? My father had lived through wars and troubles, and it left

him with a sense that nothing lasted but what a man made of himself. “Be wary,”

he advised me, “of trusting too much. Men change and times change, but wars and

revolutions are always with us.

“Own a bit of ground where you can plant enough to live, and be not far from

fuel, for days and nights can be cold. Be friendly with all men and censure

none, tell nobody too much of your affairs and remember in all dealings with

men, or women, to keep one hand upon the doorlatch … in your mind, at least.

“Men distrust strangers, so have a few places where you are known … but not

too well. Not even a marsh-rat will trust itself to one hole only, so always

have an escape route, and more than one, if it can be.”

So in the days of my growing up we had used more than one market town, to become

somewhat known in each, and we went to church now here, now there. My father did

no smuggling as many fen-men did, but we knew the smugglers. We of the fens were

a close-mouthed lot, not given to talking to strangers, but with a strong

loyalty for one another.

The mysterious swordsman, if such he was, might ask in vain and learn nothing to

help, nor would he find me now, for a myriad of watery routes led to many towns

and villages in several shires.

With a warm fire going William and I talked much, and at the last he said, “Do

not worry about your fields. I shall handle them as I would my own, and will

take one-third.”

“One-half,” I repeated.

He shook his head. “You give too much, Barnabas.”

“One-half,” I insisted. “I wish you to have the reward of your care, and with

what you have and what you can make of mine you can become a man of


“You go to a far land, Barnabas. Are you not afraid?”

“The forest seems safer than the London streets, William, and there is land for

the taking—forests, meadows, and lakes. And there is game.”


I smiled. “There are no lords there to bespeak the deer or the hare, William.

There is enough for all. I shall take seed to be planted, William, and tools for

working the land and cutting down the forest I shall build what I need. My hands

are fanning with tools, and necessity will add to their skill.”

He shook his head, slowly. “No, Barnabas, it is for you to do this. I have not

the courage to risk all upon a chance. My own land is here. I shall plough my

own acres, sleep in my own cot.”

“I wonder what it is?” I said. “I wonder what chooses between us, that I go and

you stay? Our situations are not too different, one from the other, nor is one

less or more the man than the other, it is only that we are different.”

He nodded. “I have thought much upon this, Barnabas, and asked of myself the

reasons. I do not know. Perhaps it is something in the blood of each of us that

you go out upon the sea and I cling to my small holding here.

“You will allow me to say I think it a foolish thing you do? What will you do

for drink, Barnabas?”

“I will drink water.”

“Water? But water is not fit for men to drink. For the cattle, for birds and

beasts, but a man needs ale … or wine, if you are a Frenchman.”

“The water of the new world is wine to me, William. I ask no more. The water of

the streams is cold and clear.”

And so we parted, we two who were friends but strangers, we whose paths would

diverge, yet cling. As he waved good-bye from the island, I thought there was a

little of wistfulness in his face. Perhaps something deep within him longed to

follow me to the far lands. But that may have been my own pride in what I was,

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Categories: L'Amour, Loius