To The Far Blue Mountains by Louis L’Amour

“You have always been a lady.”

“You could come with us, Barnabas. You could come. Elizabeth the Queen is dead.

A man sits now upon the throne. The old suspicions would be forgot.”

But even as she spoke, we knew I would not go. I would never leave again for so

long the shadow of those mountains I had found at last.

“After this?” I swept my hand at the mountains, fields, rivers. “No, Abby, our

duties divide. Yours will take you to England with our daughter, mine will keep

me here.

“Perhaps the boys no longer need me, but they know I am here. I am an anchor, I

am a single, positive thing. I am a focal point, if no more. A balance wheel, a

hub about which they may revolve, and I will be here for them to come to if they

are hurt. I would not have them without that.

“They may never need me, but as long as I am here, they are not lost. If I can

be no more to them, I will be their Pole Star.”

“The Senecas will come again, Barnabas, and the Shawnees.”

“Of course … I know that. I would miss them if they failed to come, and they

would miss me if I was not here to greet them.”

I stood up, slowly. “Abby, we will arrange it. We will go down to the sea once

more, and we will find a ship, and you may go to England.

“When she has seen the world, when she has learned what it holds, then bring her

to me again and let me see what my daughter has become.

“At least … do not let her forget me.”


Yet suddenly there came news of such evil portent that new fears beset our

colony. On the 22nd of March, the Indians had raised up and killed several

hundreds of the colonists in the land called Virginia.

That particular colony was some distance from us and we had but little


From time to time we had word of them from Indians passing, or the observations

of Kin or Yance, and we knew of harsh times they had, with a shortage of food

and much illness. The site of the town they had formed, called Jamestown, was

not the best one and, as we had discovered to our cost, there was much fever on

the coast close to the swamps.

After some beginning trouble between Powhatan, of whom we often heard but knew

little, and these colonists, troubles between them had simmered down, largely to

the strong stand taken by a Captain John Smith, a man of Lincolnshire who had

fought in wars upon the continent.

The story as we heard it from the Catawbas was thus: A war captain called

Nemattanow, who was called by the colonists “Jack of the Feather,” because of

his feather adornment, had persuaded a man named Morgan to go into the woods

with him for trade or hunting or something of the kind. Nemattanow had often

been in Morgan’s house, and coveted many of the things he saw there. Later, in

the woods, he murdered Morgan and returned to the cabin wearing Morgan’s cap.

Morgan’s boys suspected what had happened and tried to entice the Indian to the

presence of a Master Thorpe.

An altercation developed and Nemattanow was shot and wounded. The boys put him

in a boat to take before the governor. Feeling his death was near, Nemattanow,

who the Indians believed could not be hurt by a bullet, pleaded with the boys

not to tell how he was killed, and to bury his body in the white man’s cemetery

so his death would not become known.

Oppecancanough, who was king of those Indians, was much angered when he heard of

the death of Nemattanow, but made great signs of love and peace to the colonists

so that no danger was felt, and due to the fact that no war had been entertained

for some time, few of the colonists were armed, there being few swords, and

fewer guns except for fowling pieces.

Yet Oppecancanough informed his people of what was planned, sending presents of

venison and fowl to various colonists with much evidence of good will, and

sometimes sitting to breakfast with them. Then, suddenly, on the 22nd of March

they arose and slaughtered three hundred and forty-seven men, women, and

children, striking so quickly that few knew what happened, killing them often

with their own tools, then hacking and defacing the bodies.

One Nathaniel Causie, who had come with John Smith, seized upon an axe when

attacked and clove the head of one of his attackers, whereby they fled, and he

escaped, though injured, for they hurt none who did stand to fight or were upon

their guard, killing only those they caught unawares and unarmed.

By this time the colonists were established for one hundred and forty miles

along the river, on both sides, and the Indians, because of their nature of

living off the country, must themselves be in groups of thirty, forty, or sixty.

Yet the whole plot had been so carefully arranged that each group of Indians was

aware, and many more than the three hundred and forty-seven might have been

killed had not one Indian, friendly to a man named Pace, informed him of the

plot. Pace had informed the governor, after rowing in haste down the river.

Six of the council were slain, George Thorpe, Nathaniel Powell, John Berkeley,

Samuel Macock, Michael Lapworth, and John Rolfe, this Rolfe having married an

Indian named Pocohontas.

The unrest occasioned by this disaster was sure to put many Indians to flight,

and there would be trouble along the paths.

Yet the news included more than the story of massacre and that was that several

ships had arrived, bringing more settlers. It was a chance that could not be


“We will go, Abby. Peter has two boats finished and a third well along in the

building. If we all pitch in to help, that boat should be ready for the river in

a few days. We will go down the river … the Cape Fear, I believe they call it

now … and go up the coast to Jamestown.

“Peter wishes to sell his boats, and there should be a market for them there. We

can carry our furs, robes, and grain.”

We were three large boats and one canoe when we started, with Kin, Brian, and

Yance in the canoe, Jeremy, Pim, and myself in the first boat with the women,

Kane O’Hara and Tom Watkins in the second, Jubal and Wa-ga-su in the last and

most heavily loaded.

We went up the coast from the rivermouth, staying inside the banks when

possible, and came finally to the Bay of Chesapeake and the Potomac River.

We came to the landing at Jamestown to see three ships in the river and much

busied they were with lowering cargo to boats—and one ship lying close in

alongside a dock, being a craft of such shallow draft.

A man of some presence watched us come close along and called out, “What have

you there?”

“Corn and hides,” I said, “and some furs. We be seeking out someone who would


“Corn? You will be speaking to the governor of that. We have had losses here.”

“Aye,” I said, “we heard of that and came along to help. We ask but a fair

market price. As for that,” I added, “we would sell the boats, too.”

Climbing up on the dock, I was followed by Brian and Kane O’Hara. He glanced

from one to the other of us. “It is that you plan to settle here?”

“No. We’ve good places yon, and crops put in, but we heard your troubles and had

this grain put by.”

“If you sell your boats, how then will you get home?”

“Overland,” Brian said. He was a fine, handsome lad who spoke well, indeed.

“That is, some of us would, sir. My mother, sister, and I would ship for


“I am Captain Powell,” he said, “William Powell. We are on short rations here,

and the governor will be pleased to see you.”

He bade me come with him to meet the governor, Sir Francis Wyatt, an uncommonly

shrewd man, and intelligent enough to ask few questions. I spoke him fair, using

my own name, and hoping the years would have erased it from memory, as it seemed

to have done.

“We are obliged, Captain,” he said to me. “You could have come at no better

time. Now what are you asking per bushel?”

“As I told Captain Powell,” I said, “we came to help, not to profit by your

troubles. We will take the fair market price and no more.”

“Commendable,” Wyatt said dryly, “and unusual.” He turned to Powell. “Will you

see they are put up properly?” Then he smiled at me. “If you would wait outside?

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