TOUCH OF THE WOLF By Susan Krinard

“You dare to suggest—”

“I suggest that you have encouraged Cassidy to believe that she is falling in love with you—though she has only the barest notion of what she feels. I suggest that your motives are no more pure than those of any man who would use a woman as I was used.”

For a moment she half believed that he would turn into a wolf right there before her. Change and leap on her and tear the life from her body. His growl—there was no other word for the sound he made—seemed to shake the very floor beneath her feet. She closed her eyes and stood her ground until she heard him move away.

“You measure everything by your own taint,” he said. “You see evil where there is only—” He stopped himself. “My sister was correct in her judgment of you.”

She laughed a little wildly, knowing she had nothing left to lose. “I know of your Cause. Perhaps it was originally your intention to control her through her attachment to you. Men fool themselves so easily. What was it that Burns said? ‘The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft a-gley.’ Surely that applies even to werewolves.”

The earl surprised her by sitting in his chair and casually stretching out his legs, as if their conversation were all informal civility.

“You wish to know my plans for Cassidy?” he said. “Perhaps it will set your mind at ease to know that I never intended her for myself.” His words were heavy with sarcasm. “She is destined to aid our Cause by marrying my brother.”

Her mind went blank. “Quentin? But—”

“It was settled on the evening she arrived at the London house,” he said. “Cassidy is strong and healthy and can bear many children in the service of our people. She will remain within the family, and have everything she will need or want for the rest other life.”

Reason flooded back, and with it a righteous anger that renewed the old hatred. “So Cassidy is to be a brood mare to keep your line pure.”

“It is no different from the arranged marriages made between great human families,” he said, “and to a far more noble end. What would have become of her without us? Do you wish your own fate on Cassidy, Mrs. Smith? Discarded, despised, belonging nowhere?”

She sucked in her breath. “You Forsters have great skill in twisting everything to your own advantage,” she said, “especially the vulnerabilities of those you would rule. I am no match for you, Lord Greyburn. And yet I wonder why you have not been so frank with Cassidy herself. Why do you fear to tell her what you’ve told me?”

“She required time to adjust, to become one of us—”

“I heard of another Forster who did not live up to your expectations and was cast out as worthless. Cassidy has not been able to Change into a wolf, has she? If she fails, will you exile her as well?”

The earl of Greyburn was very still. “This conversation is at an end, Mrs. Smith. Be prepared to move to your new quarters within the hour.”

In spite of all her boldness, she’d achieved nothing. Her defiance was as useless as pride. She walked slowly to his chair and bowed her head. “I beg you, Lord Greyburn. Don’t hurt her.”

He stood, forcing her to step back. “You have but one part to play at Greyburn,” he said, “and that is to discourage Cassidy from believing I have any personal regard for her. It should be no difficulty in light of your obvious antipathy for me.” His voice was utterly flat. “She will be cared for. You have my word.”

“The word of a Forster.”

“My word, Mrs. Smith. Do not confuse me with Lord Leebrook or his kind. He disgraced himself as much as he ever did you. It will not happen again.”

Such an admission must have cost him much. He lifted his head and turned toward the door. “You are dismissed, Mrs. Smith. I have business to attend to. Remember what I’ve said.”

The door swung open before she could reply or retreat. Quentin walked in, agitation plain in his movements.

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Categories: Krinard, Susan