Priestess of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley


Constans—third son of Constantine and Fausta


Constantine [Flavius Valerius Constantinus]—son of Helena, Emperor, 306-337


Constantine (II)—eldest son of Constantine and Fausta


Constantius Chlorus [Flavius Constantius]—consort of Helena, Caesar and later Augustus, 293-306


Julius Constantius—second son of Constantius and Theodora


Constantius (II)—second son of Constantine and Fausta


Crispus—Constantine’s illegitimate son by Minervina

Cunoarda—Helena’s Alban slave


Dalmatius—son of Constantius and Theodora Dierna—Helena’s second cousin, later Lady of Avalon


Diocletian—Senior Augustus, Emperor, 284-305

Brasilia—cook in Helena and Constantius’s household


Bishop Eusebius of Caesaria—Metropolitan Bishop of Palestine, a major writer of church history and later the biographer of Constantine.


Fausta—daughter of Maximian, wife of Constantine and mother of his legitimate children

Flavius Pollio—a kinsman of Constantius


Galerius—Caesar, 293-305, Augustus, 305-311


Gallienus—Emperor, 253-268

Ganeda—Helena’s aunt, Lady of Avalon

Gwenna—a maiden being trained on Avalon

Haggaia—Arch Druid when Helena returns to Avalon


Julia Coelia Helena, later, Flavia Helena Augusta—(Eilan) daughter of Prince Coelius, consort of Constantius, mother of Constantine and priestess of Avalon


Helena the Younger (‘Lena’)—a noblewoman of Treveri, wife of Crispus

Heron—a maiden being trained on Avalon

Hrodlind—Helena’s German maid


Joseph of Arimathea—founder of the Christian community on the Tor)

Katiya—a priestess of Bast in Rome

Lactantius—a rhetorician and Christian apologist, tutor to Crispus

Licinius—Caesar appointed by Galerius to replace Severus, later Augustus in the East, 313-324


Lucius Viducius—a pottery merchant trading between Gallia and Eburacum


Macarius—Bishop of Jerusalem

Marcia—midwife who delivers Constantine

Martha—a Syrian slave, healed by Helena


Maximian—Augustus of the West, 285-305


Maximus Daia—Caesar appointed by Galerius


Maxentius—son of Maximian, Augustus in Italy and North Africa, 306-312


Minervina—Constantine’s Syrian concubine, mother of Crispus


Numerian—younger son of Carus, Emperor, 283—84

Philip—Constantius’s servant


Postumus—rebel Emperor of the West, 259-68


Probus—Emperor, 276-282


Quintillus—brother of the Emperor Claudius II, Constantius’s great-uncle


Rian—High Priestess of Avalon, Helena’s mother)

Roud—a maiden being trained on Avalon


Severus—Caesar appointed by Galerius, executed by Maximian

Sian—daughter of Ganeda, mother of Dierna and Becca

Suona—a young priestess of Avalon

Teleri—wife of Carausius and then of Allectus, later, High Priestess of Avalon


Tetricus & Marius—rebel co-emperors of the West, 271

Tulia—a maiden being trained on Avalon


Victorina Augusta—mother of Victorinus and virtual ruler


Victorinus—rebel Emperor in the West, 268-270

Vitellia—a Christian matron living in Londinium

Wren—a maiden being trained on Avalon

Helena’s dogs: Eldri, Hylas, Favonius and Boreas, Leviyah

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Aquae Sulis—Bath







Inis Witrin—Glastonbury

Isurium Brigantum—Aldborough, Yorkshire




Sabrina estuary—the Severn

the Summer Country—Somerset

Trinovante lands—Essex

Tamesis—the Thames

Tanatus Insula—Isle of Thanet, Kent


Alpes—the Alps

Aquitanica—southern France, Aquitaine

Arelate—Arles, France

Argentoratum—Strasburg, Germany

Augusta Treverorum (Treveri)—Trier, Germany

Baiae—Baia, Italy

Belgica Prima—eastern France

Belgica Secunda—the Low Countries

Borbetomagus—Wurms, Germany

Colonia Agrippinensis—Cologne, Germany

Cumaea—Cumae, Italy


Ganuenta—formerly an island where the River Schelde joins the Rhine in the Netherlands

Germania Prima—lands just west of the Rhine, Koblenz to Basle

Germania Secunda—lands just west of the Rhine, North Sea to Koblenz

Gesoriacum—Boulogne, France


Mediolanum—Milan, Italy

Moenus fluvius—the River Main, Germany

Mosella fluvius—the River Moselle, France, Germany

Nicer fluvius—the River Neckar, Germany

Noricum—Austria south of the Danube

Rhaetia—Southern Germany and Switzerland

Rhenus fluvius—the Rhine

Rhodanus fluvius—the Rhone

Rothomagus—Rouen, France

Treveri (Augusta Treverorum)—Trier, Germany

Ulpia Traiana—Xanten, Germany

Vindobona—Vienna, Austria


Aegeum—the Aegean

Aelia Capitolina—Jerusalem

Aquincum—Pest (Budapest), Hungary

Asia—Western Turkey

Bithynia et Pontus—northern Turkey

Byzantium (later, Constantinople)—Istanbul

Caesarea—a port city south of Haifa, Israel

Carpatus Mountains—the Carpathians

Chalcedon—Kadikoy, Turkey



Danu, Danuvius—the Danube

Drepanum (Helenopolis)—Hersek in northern Turkey

Galatia and Cappadocia—Eastern Turkey

the Haemus—Balkans

Heracleia Pontica—Eregli, Turkey




Naissus—Nis in Romania

Nicaea—Iznik, Turkey

Nicomedia—Izmit, Turkey


Rhipaean Mountains—the Caucausus

Scythia—lands above the Black Sea

Singidunum—Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Sirmium—Mitrovica or Sabac on the Save, Serbia

Thracia—southern Bulgaria

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249 AD

With sunset, a brisk wind had blown in from the sea. It was the season when farmers burn the stubble from their fields, but wind had swept away the haze that had veiled the heavens, and the Milky Way blazed a white road across the sky. The Merlin of Britannia sat on the Watcher’s Stone at the top of the Tor, his eyes fixed on the stars. But though the glory of the heavens commanded his vision, it did not hold his entire attention. His ears strained to catch any sound that might come from the dwelling of the High Priestess on the slopes below.

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