Treasure Mountain by Louis L’Amour

did, they would make themselves known, and they’d have a chance to get

acquainted with me, too.

Seems to me folks waste a sight of time crossing bridges before they get to

them. They clutter their minds with odds and ends that interfere with clear


Those folks were certainly following me, and it was equally certain they were

none of my people. When they caught up there’d likely be trouble, but I wasn’t

going out hunting it. I was looking for signs of pa.

Far and away on my right lay a vast and tumbled mass of distant peaks and

forest, bare rock shoved up here and there, high mountain parks and meadows …

magnificent country. Overhead, the sky was impossibly blue and dotted with those

white fluffs of cloud that seemed always to float over the La Platas and the San

Juans. Trouble coming or not, this was great country, a man’s country.

The trail took a turn and I lost sight of them below. Alongside the trail there

was a beautiful little patch of blue, like a chunk of the sky had floated down

to rest on that frost-shattered rock and gravel beside the trail—it was some

alpine forget-me-not. Down the steep slope where a fallen man or horse would

roll and tumble for seven or eight hundred feet, I could see the bright gold of

avalanche lilies here and there.

The last few yards was a scramble, but Ap was a mountain horse and the buckskin

seemed content to follow any place Ap would go. When we topped out on the rim

there was a view you wouldn’t believe. Down below us was a huge basin, one side

opening and spilling down into La Plata Canyon. There was another vast glacial

gouge on my left, and ahead of me I could see the thread of that high, indent

trail winding its way—across the country, a thin thread through the green of the

high grass that was flecked with wild flowers of every description.

All around were vast and tumbled mountains. I was twelve thousand feet above sea

level. Far off to the north I could see the great shaft of the Lizard Head and

get a glimpse of Engineer Mountain, and off to the east were the Needles, White

Dome, Storm King, and what might be the Rio Grande Pyramid, near which the Rio

Grande rises. It was the kind of view that leaves a man with a feeling of

magnificence, but there just ain’t words to cover it.

Old Ap, he seemed happy on that high place, too, but he snorted a little when I

started him down the thread of trail that led through the gravel and the

frost-shattered rocks on the inside of the cirque.

It was like going down the inside of a volcanic crater, only there was a meadow

at the bottom and no fires.

The man lying under the spruce had been there since shortly after daylight. He

had a Sharps rifle, one of the best long-range weapons there is, and he had a

natural rest across the top of a fallen tree. His view of the trail down the

inside of the rim was clear and perfect, and when he saw Tell Sackett top the

rim he was pleased. This was going to be the easiest hundred dollars he had ever

earned—and it surely beat punching cows.

He was a dead shot, a painstaking man with a natural affinity for weapons and a

particular ease with rifles. He let Sackett come on, shortening the distance for


He picked his spot, a place where the steepness of the trail seemed to level off

for a few feet. When Sackett reached there, he would take him. The range was

roughly four hundred yards—possibly a bit over. He had killed elk at that

distance, and kills had been scored with a Sharps at upwards of a thousand


He sighted, waited a little, then sighted again. About twenty yards now … he

settled himself into the dirt, firmed his position. Sackett was a salty

customer, it was said. Well, soon he’d be a salted customer.

He looked again, sighted on a spot below the shoulder and in a mite toward the

chest, took a long breath, eased it out, and squeezed off his shot.

The best laid plans of mice and men often seem to be the toys of fate. The

marksman had figured on everything that could be figured. His distance, the

timing, the fact that the rider was at least a hundred and fifty feet higher

than himself. He was a good shot and he had thought of it all.

He had the rider dead in his sights, and a moment after the squeeze of the

trigger William Tell Sackett should have been bloody and dead on the trail.

The trouble was in the trail itself.

At some time in the not too distant past, nature had taken a hand in the game,

and in a playful moment had trickled a small avalanche off the rim, down the

slope, and across the trail. In so doing it left a gouge in the trail that was

about a foot deep.

As the marksman squeezed off his shot, the appaloosa stepped down into that

gully. The drop—as well as the lurch in the saddle that followed—was just

enough. The bullet intended for Tell’s chest nicked the top of his ear.

The sting on my ear, the flash of the rifle, and the boom that followed seemed

to come all at once, and whatever else pa taught us boys he taught us not to set

up there and make a target of yourself.

Now it was a good hundred and fifty yards to the foot of the trail and every

yard of it was bare slope where I’d stand out like a whiskey nose at a

teetotalers’ picnic. So I just never gave it a thought, there wasn’t time for

it. I just flung myself out of that saddle, latching onto my Winchester as I

kicked loose and let go. I hit that slope on my shoulder, like I’d planned,

rolled over and over, and came up at the base of the slope with my rifle still

in my hands and a mad coming up in me.

Nobody needed to tell me that anybody shooting at me now had been posted and

waiting for me. This was some sure-thing killer out scalp hunting, and I have a

kind of feeling against being shot at by strangers. Least a man can do is

introduce himself.

When I reached the bottom of that slope I had a second boom ringing in my ears,

but that shot—it sounded like a Sharps buffalo gun so he must have reloaded

fast—had missed complete. Nonetheless the thing to do at such a time is be

someplace else, so I rolled over in the grass, hit a low spot, and scrambled on

knees and elbows, rifle across my forearms, to put some distance from where I


Chances were nine out of ten he figured he’d got me with the first shot, because

I fell right then. Chances also were he’d wait a bit and if I didn’t get up he’d

come scouting for the body, and I meant to be damned sure he found one … his.

Ap had stopped only a moment. That was a right sensible horse and he knew he had

no business up there on that bare slope, so he trotted along to the bottom. The

buckskin stayed right with him, the lead rope still snubbed to the saddle horn.

I was going to need those horses so I kept an eye on them. Pretty soon they

began to feed on the meadow.

When I’d scrambled fifty yards or so, I was behind a kind of low dome, maybe

some dirt pushed up by the last small glacier when it slid off the walls and

pushed along the bottom of the cirque.

My ear was bleeding and it stung like crazy, and that kind of riled me, too.

That man over yonder sure had a lot to answer for.

Careful to keep my rifle down so the sun wouldn’t gleam on it, I edged along

that earth dome until I was on the far shoulder of it. Then I chanced a look

toward those spruce trees where the shot had come from.


Minutes passed. About that time a thought occurred to me that had me sweating.

Those folks coming up the trail back of the mountain would be topping out on the

crest and looking down into that basin. Now while that sport over yonder with

the Sharps couldn’t see me—at least I hoped he couldn’t—I’d be wide open and in

the clear for those people when they topped out on the rim.

They’d have me from both sides and I’d be a dead coon.

I’ve been shot at now and again, and I’ve taken some lead here and there, but I

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