Trumps of Doom by Roger Zelazny. CHAPTER 3,4

The sphinx blinked twice, then fiurrowed its brow. I used the time that followed for some more deep breathing and some running in place. The fires subsided, my head grew clearer, my pulse steadied . . .

“Well?” I said some minutes later.

“I’m thinking.”

“Take your time.”

I did a little shadowboxing. Did some isometrics, too. The sky had darkened a bit more and a few stars were now visible off to my right.

“Uh, I hate to rush you,” I said, “but-“

The sphinx snorted. “I’m still thinking.”

“Maybe we should set a time limit.”

“It shouldn’t be much longer.”

“Mind if I rest?”

“Go ahead.”

I stretched out on the sand and closed my eyes, muttering a guard word to Frakir before I slept.

I woke with a shiver, light in my eyes and a breeze upon my face. It took me several moments to realize that it was morning. The sky was brightening to my left, stars were fading to my right. I was thirsty. Hungry, too.

I rubbed my eyes. I got to my feet. I located my comb and ran it through my hair. I regarded the sphinx.

“. . . and goes round and round and round,” it muttered.

I cleared my throat. No reaction. The beast was staring past me. I wondered whether I might simply be able to slip off…

No. The gaze shifted to me.

“Good morning,” I said cheerfully. There was a brief gnashing of teeth.

“AlI right,” I said, “you’ve taken a lot longer than I did. If you haven’t got it by now I don’t care to play any longer.”

“I don’t like your riddle,” it said at last.


“What is the answer?”

“You’re giving up?”

“I must: What is the answer?” I raised a hand.

“Hold on,” I said. “These things should be done in proper order. I should have the preferred answer to yours before I tell you mine.”

It nodded.

“There is some justice in that. All right-the Keep of the Four Worlds.”


“That is the answer. The Keep of the Four Worlds .”

I thought of Melman’s words: “Why?” I asked.

“It lies at the crossroads of the worlds of the four elements, where it rises from the earth in flames, assailed by the winds and waters.”

“What about the business of overseeing all things?”

“It could refer to the view, or to its master’s imperialistic designs. Or both.”

“Who is its master?”

“I don’t know. That information is not essential to the answer.”

“Where’d you pick up this riddle, anyhow?”

“From a traveler, a few months back.”

“Why’d you choose this one, of all the riddles you must know, to ask me?”

“It stopped me, so it had to be good.”

“What became of the traveler?”

“He went on his way, uneaten. He’d answered my riddle.”

“He had a name?”

“He wouldn’t say.”

“Describe him, please.”

“I can’t. He was well muffled.”

“And he said nothing more about the Keep of the Four Worlds?”


“Well,” I said. “I believe I’ll follow his example and take a walk myself.”

I turned and faced the slope to my right.


“What?” I asked.

“Your riddle,” it stated. “I’ve given you the answer to mine. You must now tell me what it is that is green and red and goes round and round and round.”

I glanced downward, scanned the ground. Oh, yes, there it was-my dumbbell-shaped stone. I took several steps and stood beside it.

“A frog in a Cuisinart,” I said.


Its shoulder muscles bunched, its eyes narrowed and its many teeth became very apparent. I spoke a few words to Frakir and felt her stir as I squatted and caught hold of the stone with my right hand.

“That’s it,” I said, rising. “It’s one of those visual things-“

“That’s a rotten riddle!” the sphinx announced.

With my left index finger I made two quick movements in the air before me.

“What are you doing?” it asked.

“Drawing lines from your ears to your eyes,” I said. Frakir became visible at about that moment, sliding from my left wrist to my hand, twining among my fingers. The sphinx’s eyes darted in that direction. I raised the stone level with my right shoulder. One end of Frakir fell free and hung writhing from my extended hand. She began to brighten, then glowed like a hot silver wire.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger