Trumps of Doom by Roger Zelazny. CHAPTER 7,8

“Merlin,” he said, “I don’t have time now, but I just wanted to let you know that I don’t consider our conversation concluded. I want to get together with you again later this afternoon or this evening-as soon as I’m free. So don’t go running off anywhere till we’ve talked, okay?”

I nodded.

“One quick question,” I said, as he began turning back toward the others.

“Shoot,” he said.

“Are there any Amberites currently in residence on the shadow Earth I just departed-agents of any sort?”

He shook his head.

“I don’t have any, and I don’t believe any of the others do just now. I have a number of contacts there in different places, but they’re all natives-like Bill.”

His eyes narrowed.

“Something new come up?” he asked then.

I nodded again.



“I wish I had the time to hear it, but it’ll just have to keep till we talk later.”

“I understand.”

“I’Il send for you,” he said, and he returned to his companions.

That shot down the only explanation I could think of for Meg Devlin. It also foreclosed the possibility of my taking off to see her as soon as I could leave the gathering.

I consoled myself with another plate of food. After a time, Flora entered the hall, studied all the knots of humanity, then made her way among them to settle beside me on the window seat.

“No way of talking to Random right now without an audience,” she said.

“You’re right,” I replied. “May I get you something to eat or drink?”

“Not now. Maybe you can help. You’re a sorcerer.”

I didn’t like that opening, but I asked, “What’s the problem?”

“I went to Bleys’ rooms, to see whether he wanted to come down and join us. He’s gone.”

“Wasn’t his door locked? Most people do that around here.”

“Yes, from the inside. So he must have trumped out. I broke in when he didn’t answer, since there’d been one attempt on his life already.”

“And what would you want of a sorcerer?”

“Can you trace him?”

“Trumps don’t leave tracks,” I said. “But even if I could, I’m not so sure that I would. He knows what he’s doing, and he obviously wants to be left alone.”

“But what if he’s involved? He and Caine had been on opposite sides in the past.”

“If he’s mixed up in something dangerous to the rest of us you should be happy to see him go.”

“So you can’t help-or won’t?”

I nodded.

“Both, I guess. Any decision to seek him out should really come from Random, don’t you think?”


“I’d suggest keeping it to yourself till you can talk to Random. No use stirring up fruitless speculations among the others. Or I’ ll tell him, if you’ d like. I’ m going to be talking with him a bit later.”

“What about?”


“Not sure,” I said. “It’s something he wants to tell me, or ask me.”

She studied me carefully.

“We haven’t really had our own little talk yet,” she said then.

“Looks like we’re having it now.”

“Okay. May I hear about your problems in one of my favorite shadows?”

“Why not?” I said, and I launched into a synopsis of the damned thing again. I felt that this would be the final time, though. Once Flora knew it I was confident it would make the rounds.

She had no information bearing upon my case that she cared to share. We chatted for a while then-local gossip-and she finally decided to get something to eat. She departed in the direction of the food and did not return.

I talked with a few of the others, too-about Caine, about my father. I did not hear anything that I did not already know. I was introduced to a number of people I had not met before. I memorized a mess of names and relationships since I had nothing better to do.

When things finally broke up, I kept an eye on Random and contrived to depart at about the same time he did.

“Later,” he said as we passed, and he went off with a couple of guys he’d been talking with.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger