Tucker by Louis L’Amour

And then he said, Mese men you spoke of? They are gringos?” He hesitated, embarrassed. “I am ashamed. It is not a good word, gringo.” I smiled at him. “What is such a name? It is nothing. I do not mind at all. It is a convenient name. People should not allow themselves to be disturbed by such little things. Yes, the men are gringos.my description of the men was as clear as I knew how to make it. The boy listened, too, and when I had finished he spoke in Spanish to his grandfather.

Spanish was not new to me, for I had grown up in Texas, where half of our riders were Mexican.

I knew what he said, but made no comment.

“My grandson says there are such men in Sonora Town. He has seen them.

They live at the house of Villareal-or so he calls himself. He is a man who puts on names as he does shirts … and changes them more often.” “He knows where this house is?” “He does know. He saw them only last night when he was at the house of a friend. They ride fine horses, and they leave their horses at the corral of Vfflareal. He has a cantina, senor.” A cantina in Sonora Town? ‘It is a tough place? I mean, is it a place where bad men get together?”” “Si … it is. You must not go there, senor.” It might mean a gun battle, more than likely with someone other then the men I wanted, and it would bring me no closer to the money that belonged to us.

“Could your son slip a message under the door without being seen?

At night, perhaps?” The boy nodded. “Of a certainty. I go sometimes to a store that is close by. I pass the cantina.” I wrote one line: Tell Ruby Also Cashion was not good enough.

If they did not know already, that would tell them that I was in town, and then they must hunt me down. I did not think they would be wise enough to wait to see what I might do.

Toward evening I rode back to town, but not by the trail I had left by.

I rode down past the pits where Hancocles men were digging asphalt for roofs, skirted a few huts, and rode south to enter the pueblo from that side.

After stabling my horse I went back to the hotel, but I had just reached my room before there was a rap on the door. A moment I hesitated, and then spoke. ‘Who’s there?” ‘Sheriff Rowland.

I’d like a word with you, sir.” He was a well-set-up man, with a mustache and chin whiskers, laugh wrinkles around his eyes, and a pleasant expression.

I’d heard of him. He was a good man, and only a short time before had engineered the capture of the bandit, Tiburcio Vasquez.

“How do you do, Sheriff? I am Shell Tucker.” He was amused. ‘I know.

That’s what I’ve come to talk to you about. You have business in the city?” ‘I am looking for a place to settle, and this is a beautiful spot.” “I see.” I indicated the rocking chair and he sat down.

“I had word you were hunting a couple of men.” ‘allyes, two men who robbed me. They later tried to rob a stage on which I was riding shotgun.” ‘I had not heard of that.” He frowned. “What is your official capacity?” “I do not have any. I’m acting to recover money they stole from me months ago.” “You believe they still have it? You are optimistic, sir.” ‘I am sure they still have it, or most of it.

I have at t given them time to spend it.” Then I explained, telling all the events from the original loss of the money … the death of my father, and my meeting with Con Judy.

“I know of him. He has been here, discussing some railroad construction.” I could see that the comname had carried weight, and I mentioned a couple of others I had met.

‘allyou make my task difficult.” He paused. ‘allyou see, sir, we cannot have strangers coming into town who are apt to cause trouble. I won’t have gunfights here. There’s been too much of that in the past, and the new people who are coming out to settle here want law and order. I am afraid, sir, that I must ask you to leave town.” “Did Hamilton Todd have anything to do with your decision?” He did not care for that. He gave me a sharp look. “I make my own decisions, young man. Yes, he did lodge a complaint. Miss Ross told him you were following her, that you had caused trouble for her family.” “I will leave, Sheriff. In fact, I think the men I am following will also leave, but I suggest you go to the stage office and check the flyer they have on the men I am following, and on the woman who has accompanied them.” He stared at me. comally mean there’s a notice out on those men?” ‘allyes. And the woman is mentioned … and described.” I hesitated just a moment. ‘Mr.

Todd is a young man … Ruby Shaw is very attractive, and very shrewd. And she is a skilled actress.” “Who are these men you are following?” “Bob Heseltine and Kid Reese.” Rowland was startled. “Heseltine? In Los Angeles?” He stood up suddenly. “I had no idea-” He looked at me again. “You’re sure?” “He was in Sonora Town last night. At ViUareal’s place.” Rowland was a good man, a strong man and an honest one. He had looked upon me as a potential troublemaker, which in one sense I was. That he knew who Heseltine was, was obvious.

“I have done my best to quiet the town, Mr.


And understand, I want no trouble here.” ‘I understand. I’ll certainly leave.” I hesitated.

“However, Sheriff, I’ll not go far; and if I were you, I’d check that flyer. It might save you trouble.” “What do you mean?” “Ruby Shaw is Heseltine’s girl.

Maybe they are now in a scheme together, to bilk somebody out of money. If they’re not, and Heseltine should get the idea that Todd is moving in on him, Heseltine might become very abrupt.

Make no mistake-he’s a fast man with a gun.” He left me and I turned in, lying awake a long time, listening to the sounds from the Plaza and from the hotel itself. Rowland’s call had not turned out badly. He would not want Heseltine in town, and if my note did not start them moving, Rowland would.

As for Hamilton Todd, I was through with him or so I believed.

Was I a fool to continue the pursuit? Was the money gone? Or had they cached it somewhere? Pit Burnett had said Heseltine had given Ruby Shaw a wad of money when she took the stage for Los Angeles. Was that what she was using to hire the fancy outfit she had?

It would not be unlikely for a girl like Ruby Shaw to come here with marriage in mind. there were too few pretty women in any town, and blondes were scarce.

She was shrewd and knew her way around men, and a marriage with Hampton Todd might seem a nice outlook for a girl with her background.

Did Heseltine know what was going on? In such a small community there would be few secrets, and Villareal might have warned him of what was going on between Todd and Ruby Shaw-or Elaine Ross, as she now called herself.

Awakening in the last cold hour before the dawn, I found myself filled with a sort of dread. Suddenly I wanted nothing so much as to be out of this town. What inspired the feeling I did not know, but I was never one to buck my instincts.

only a few minutes were necessary to pack my things and belt on my gun.

Downstairs I went through the empty lobby, paused to look along the street where” daylight was just beginning.

The street was empty, the Plaza was empty. I crossed the street and walked quickly along it toward the livery stable, my boots echoing on the sidewalk.

It was shadowy inside the livery stable, with only a faint glow from the lantern. In the stall my horse nickered and I saddled up, swung my saddlebags into place, and thrust my Winchester into the boot.

The horse was the rented one I had ridden before.

Having come west on the stage, I no longer had a horse of my own, a situation that must be remedied at once.

Mounting, I turned the horse into the dusty street and rode quickly down Main Street. Water trickled in the zania. Under a couple of slender eucalyptus trees, and partly screened by clumps of century plant, I pulled off the street and looked back the way I had come.

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Categories: L'Amour, Loius