Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

“And you have come here with that purpose?”

Grimaud repeated the sign.

“And I was ready to strangle you!” cried the duke.

Grimaud smiled.

“Wait, then,” said the duke, fumbling in his pocket. “Wait,”

he continued, renewing his fruitless search; “it shall not

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be said that such devotion to a grandson of Henry IV. went

without recompense.”

The duke’s endeavors evinced the best intention in the

world, but one of the precautions taken at Vincennes was

that of allowing prisoners to keep no money. Whereupon

Grimaud, observing the duke’s disappointment, drew from his

pocket a purse filled with gold and handed it to him.

“Here is what you are looking for,” he said.

The duke opened the purse and wanted to empty it into

Grimaud’s hands, but Grimaud shook his head.

“Thank you, monseigneur,” he said, drawing back; “I am


The duke went from one surprise to another. He held out his

hand. Grimaud drew near and kissed it respectfully. The

grand manner of Athos had left its mark on Grimaud.

“What shall we do? and when? and how proceed?”

“It is now eleven,” answered Grimaud. “Let my lord at two

o’clock ask leave to make up a game at tennis with La Ramee

and let him send two or three balls over the ramparts.”

“And then?”

“Your highness will approach the walls and call out to a man

who works in the moat to send them back again.”

“I understand,” said the duke.

Grimaud made a sign that he was going away.

“Ah!” cried the duke, “will you not accept any money from


“I wish my lord would make me one promise.”

“What! speak!”

“‘Tis this: when we escape together, that I shall go

everywhere and be always first; for if my lord should be

overtaken and caught, there’s every chance of his being

brought back to prison, whereas if I am caught the least

that can befall me is to be — hung.”

“True, on my honor as a gentleman it shall be as thou dost


“Now,” resumed Grimaud, “I’ve only one thing more to ask —

that your highness will continue to detest me.”

“I’ll try,” said the duke.

At this moment La Ramee, after the interview we have

described with the cardinal, entered the room. The duke had

thrown himself, as he was wont to do in moments of dullness

and vexation, on his bed. La Ramee cast an inquiring look

around him and observing the same signs of antipathy between

the prisoner and his guardian he smiled in token of his

inward satisfaction. Then turning to Grimaud:

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“Very good, my friend, very good. You have been spoken of in

a promising quarter and you will soon, I hope, have news

that will be agreeable to you.”

Grimaud saluted in his politest manner and withdrew, as was

his custom on the entrance of his superior.

“Well, my lord,” said La Ramee, with his rude laugh, “you

still set yourself against this poor fellow?”

“So! ’tis you, La Ramee; in faith, ’tis time you came back

again. I threw myself on the bed and turned my nose to the

wall, that I mightn’t break my promise and strangle


“I doubt, however,” said La Ramee, in sprightly allusion to

the silence of his subordinate, “if he has said anything

disagreeable to your highness.”

“Pardieu! you are right — a mute from the East! I swear it

was time for you to come back, La Ramee, and I was eager to

see you again.”

“Monseigneur is too good,” said La Ramee, flattered by the


“Yes,” continued the duke, “really, I feel bored today

beyond the power of description.”

“Then let us have a match in the tennis court,” exclaimed La


“If you wish it.”

“I am at your service, my lord.”

“I protest, my dear La Ramee,” said the duke, “that you are

a charming fellow and that I would stay forever at Vincennes

to have the pleasure of your society.”

“My lord,” replied La Ramee, “I think if it depended on the

cardinal your wishes would be fulfilled.”

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