Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

calling to Grimaud and Olivain, he sighed.

“It is very soon to leave me,” he thought, “but he follows

the common custom. Nature has made us thus; she makes the

young look ever forward, not behind. He certainly likes the

child, but will he love me less as his affection grows for


And Athos confessed to himself that, he was unprepared for

so prompt a departure; but Raoul was so happy that this

reflection effaced everything else from the consideration of

his guardian.

Everything was ready at ten o’clock for the departure, and

as Athos was watching Raoul mount, a groom rode up from the

Duchess de Chevreuse. He was charged to tell the Comte de la

Fere, that she had learned of the return of her youthful

protege, and also the manner he had conducted himself on the

field, and she added that she should be very glad to offer

him her congratulations.

“Tell her grace,” replied Athos, “that the viscount has just

mounted his horse to proceed to the Hotel de Luynes.”

Then, with renewed instructions to Grimaud, Athos signified

to Raoul that he could set out, and ended by reflecting that

it was perhaps better that Raoul should be away from Paris

at that moment.


Another Queen in Want of Help.

Athos had not failed to send early to Aramis and had given

his letter to Blaisois, the only serving-man whom he had

left. Blaisois found Bazin donning his beadle’s gown, his

services being required that day at Notre Dame.

Athos had desired Blaisois to try to speak to Aramis

himself. Blaisois, a tall, simple youth, who understood

nothing but what he was expressly told, asked, therefore for

the Abbe d’Herblay, and in spite of Bazin’s assurances that

his master was not at home, he persisted in such a manner as

to put Bazin into a passion. Blaisois seeing Bazin in

clerical guise, was a little discomposed at his denials and

wanted to pass at all risks, believing too, that the man

with whom he had to do was endowed with the virtues of his

cloth, namely, patience and Christian charity.

But Bazin, still the servant of a musketeer, when once the

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

blood mounted to his fat cheeks, seized a broomstick and

began belaboring Blaisois, saying:

“You have insulted the church, my friend, you have insulted

the church!”

At this moment Aramis, aroused by this unusual disturbance,

cautiously opened the door of his room; and Blaisois,

looking reproachfully at the Cerberus, drew the letter from

his pocket and presented it to Aramis.

“From the Comte de la Fere,” said Aramis. “All right.” And

he retired into his room without even asking the cause of so

much noise.

Blaisois returned disconsolate to the Hotel of the Grand Roi

Charlemagne and when Athos inquired if his commission was

executed, he related his adventure.

“You foolish fellow!” said Athos, laughing. “And you did not

tell him that you came from me?”

“No, sir.”

At ten o’clock Athos, with his habitual exactitude, was

waiting on the Pont du Louvre and was almost immediately

joined by Lord de Winter.

They waited ten minutes and then his lordship began to fear

Aramis was not coming to join them.

“Patience,” said Athos, whose eyes were fixed in the

direction of the Rue du Bac, “patience; I see an abbe

cuffing a man, then bowing to a woman; it must be Aramis.”

It was indeed Aramis. Having run against a young shopkeeper

who was gaping at the crows and who had splashed him, Aramis

with one blow of his fist had distanced him ten paces.

At this moment one of his penitents passed, and as she was

young and pretty Aramis took off his cap to her with his

most gracious smile.

A most affectionate greeting, as one can well believe took

place between him and Lord de Winter.

“Where are we going?” inquired Aramis; “are we going to

fight, perchance? I carry no sword this morning and cannot

return home to procure one.”

“No,” said Lord de Winter, “we are going to pay a visit to

Her Majesty the Queen of England.”

“Oh, very well,” replied Aramis; then bending his face down

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