Vonnegut, Kurt – Hocus Pocus

Doesnt seem fair, does it,¨ he said, that somebody should come into the world with such a great advantage over the common folk? When I get out of here, Im going to buy me a pretty striped tent and put up a sign saying ĽOne dollar. Come on in and see the Nigger do arithmetic.¨ He wasnt ever going to get out of there. He was serving a life sentence without hope of parole.

Darwins fantasy about starring in a mental-arithmetic show when he got out, incidentally, was inspired by something 1 of his great-grandfathers did in South Carolina after World War I. All the airplane pilots back then were white, and some of them did stunt flying at country fairs. They were called barnstormers.¨

And 1 of these bamstormers with a 2-cockpit plane strapped Darwins great-grandfather in the front cockpit, even though the great-grandfather couldnt even drive an automobile. The barnstormer crouched down in the rear cockpit, so people couldnt see him but he could still work the controls. And people came from far and wide, according to Darwin, to see the Nigger fly the airplane.¨

He was only 25 years old when we first met, the same age as Lowell Chung when Lowell won the Bronze Medal for horseback riding in Seoul, South Korea. When I was 25, I hadnt killed anybody yet, and hadnt had nearly as many women as Darwin had. When he was only 20, he told me, he paid cash for a Ferrari. I didnt have a car of my own, which was a good car, all right, a Chevrolet Corvette, but nowhere near as good as a Ferrari, until I was 21.

At least I, too, had paid cash.

When we talked at the prison, he had a running joke that was the assumption that we came from different planets. The prison was all there was to his planet, and I had come in a flying saucer from one that was much bigger and wiser.

This enabled him to comment ironically on the only sexual activities possible inside the walls. You have little babies on your planet?¨ he asked.

Yes, we have little babies,¨ I said.

We got people here trying to have babies every which way,¨ he said, but they never get babies. What do you think theyre doing wrong?¨

He was the first convict I heard use the expression the PB.¨ He told me that sometimes he wished he had the PB.¨ I thought he meant TB,¨ short for tuberculosis,¨ another common affliction at the prisonXcommon enough that I have it now.

It turned out that PB¨ was short for Parole Board,¨ which is what the convicts called AIDS.

That was when we first met, back in 1991, when he said that sometimes he wished he had the PB, and long before I myself contracted TB.

Alphabet soup!

He was hungry for descriptions of this valley, to which he had been sentenced for the rest of his life and where he could expect to be buried, but which he had never seen. Not only the convicts but their visitors, too, were kept as ignorant as possible of the precise geographical situation of the prison, so that anybody escaping would have no clear idea of what to watch out for or which way to go.

Visitors were brought into the cul-de-sac of the valley from Rochester in buses with blacked-out windows. Convicts themselves were delivered in windowless steel boxes capable of holding 10 of them wearing leg irons and handcuffs, mounted on the beds of trucks. The buses and the steel boxes were never opened until they were well inside the prison walls.

These were exceedingly dangerous and resourceful criminals, after all. While the Japanese had taken over the operation of Athena by the time I got there, hoping

to operate it at a profit, the blacked-out buses and steel boxes had been in use long before they got there. Those morbid forms of transportation became a common sight on the road to and from Rochester in maybe 1977, about 2 years after I and my little family took up residence in Scipio.

The only change the Japanese made in the vehicles, which was under way when I went to work over there in 1991, was to remount the old steel boxes on new Japanese trucks.

So it was in violation of long-standing prison policy that I told Alton Darwin and other lifers all they wanted to know about the valley. I thought they were entitled to know about the great forest, which was their forest now, and the beautiful lake, which was their lake now, and the beautiful little college, which was where the music from the bells was coming from.

And of course, this enriched their dreams of escaping, but what were those but what we could call in any other context the virtue hope? I never thought they would ever really get out of here and make use of the knowledge I had given them of the countryside, and neither did they.

I used to do the same sort of thing in Vietnam, too, helping mortally wounded soldiers dream that they would soon be well and home again.

Why not?

I am as sorry as anybody that Darwin and all the rest really tasted freedom. They were horrible news for themselves and everyone. A lot of them were real homicidal maniacs. Darwin wasnt 1 of those, but even as the

convicts were crossing the ice to Scipio, he was giving orders as if he were an Emperor, as if the break were his idea, although he had had nothing to do with it. He hadnt known it was coming.

Those who had actually breached the walls and opened the cells had come down from Rochester to free only I convict. They got him, and they were headed out of the valley and had no interest in conquering Scipio and its little army of 6 regular policemen and 3 unarmed campus cops, and an unknown number of firearms in private hands.

Alton Darwin was the first example I had ever seen of leadership in the raw. He was a man without any badges of rank, and with no previously existing organization or widely understood plan of action. He had been a modest, unremarkable man in prison. The moment he got out, though, sudden delusions of grandeur made him the only man who knew what to do next, which was to attack Scipio, where glory and riches awaited all who dared to follow him.

Follow me!¨ he cried, and some did. He was a sociopath, I think, in love with himself and no one else, craving action for its own sake, and indifferent to any long-term consequences, a classic Man of Destiny.

Most did not even follow him down the slope and out onto the ice. They returned to the prison, where they had beds of their own, and shelter from the weather, and food and water, although no heat or electricity. They chose to be good boys, concluding correctly that bad boys roaming free in the valley, but completely surrounded by the forces of law and order, would be

shot on sight in a day or 2, or maybe even sooner. They were color-coded, after all.

In the Mohiga Valley, their skin alone sufficed as a prison uniform.

About half of those who followed Darwin out onto the ice turned back before they reached Scipio. This was before they were fired upon and suffered their first casualty. One of those who went back to the prison told me that he was sickened when he realized how much murder and rape there would be when they reached the other side in just a few minutes.

I thought about all the little children fast asleep in their beds,¨ he said. He had handed over the gun he had stolen from the prison armory to the man next to him, there in the middle of beautiful Lake Mohiga. He didnt have a gun,¨ he said, until I gave him 1.¨

Did you wish each other good luck or anything like that?¨ I asked him.

We didnt say anything,¨ he told me. Nobody was saying anything but the man in front.¨

And what was he saying?¨ I asked.

He replied with terrible emptiness, ĽFollow me, follow me, follow me.¨

Lifes a bad dream,¨ he said. Do you know that?¨

Alton Darwins charismatic delusions of grandeur went on and on. He declared himself to be President of a new country. He set up his headquarters in the Board of Trustees Room of Samoza Hall, with the big long table for his desk.

I visited him there at high noon on the second day after the great escape. He told me that this new country

of his was going to cut down the virgin forest on the other side of the lake and sell the wood to the Japanese. He would use the money to refurbish the abandoned industrial buildings in Scipio down below. He didnt know yet what they would manufacture, but he was thinking hard about that. He would welcome any suggestions I might have.

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Categories: Vonnegut, Kurt