Voyage From Yesteryear

“We can probably figure out a way to get you into the house, Veronica. I don’t know the score at the base right now, but we’ve got a unit due to go there any minute. That means you’ll have to trust some other guys too. Okay?”

“If you say so. Do I have a choice?”

“No.” Colman turned his head and waved Hanlon over. “Bret, this is Veronica. Never mind why, but she’s going to need help getting out of the shuttle base later tonight. What do you think?”

“We’ll work out something. Where and when?” Hanlon said. Colman looked over at Veronica.

“A shuttle’s lifting off from Bay Five at 2130,” she said. “I’ll be coming off it about thirty minutes before it leaves. All I need, is to get over into Chironian territory. I can make it on my own from there.”

“Where to?” Colman asked her.

“Casey’s, I suppose.” Veronica replied.

“Does Casey know?” Colman asked. Veronica shook her head. Colman thought for a few seconds. “I don’t like the sound of what’s going on around there,” he said. “Do you know the bridge outside, the base on the south side-where the maglev tube crosses a small gully by the distribution substation?”

“I think so. I can find it anyway.”

“Make for the bridge and wait there,” Colman told her. “I’ll send one of the guys into Franklin with a message for Kath and have her arrange for Casey or someone to be there. SD patrols could be prowling around, or anything. Best not to risk it.” Veronica nodded her assent.

“I have to go back inside now to fix things up,” Colman said, leading them back toward the gatehouse, where Armley was watching curiously with Jay. “Mike,” Colman said to him as they stopped by the door. “Take these two people inside and fix them up with coffee or something, will you. Jay, wait inside with Veronica. I have to get back in with Bret, but I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t worry. It’ll be okay.”

Ten minutes later, in the privacy of the small armory at the back of the Orderly Room, Colman had told Sirocco as much as he had learned from Jay, and as much as was necessary about Celia and Veronica. Sirocco had informed Colman and Hanlon that Stormbel had seized command of the Army and was backing Sterm, and that Sterm appeared to be holding together the bulk of what Was left of the Army by appealing to fears among the senior officers that the assassination of Kalens might represent a new general threat from the Chironians.

“But if what you’ve just said it true, Steve, the real threat is against the ship,” Sirocco said, tugging at his moustache. “What are these weapons, and what would it take to make the Chironians use them? I’ve got to have more information.”

Colman could only shake his head. “I don’t know. Neither did Jay. That’s what Fallows and whoever this other guy is want to find out.”

“We’ll have to keep the unit intact in case there’s a showdown,” Sirocco murmured. “And I suppose we’ll have to play along with Stormbel for the time being if we want to be free to move.” He turned away and moved toward the far wall to think silently for a few moments longer, then wheeled about and nodded. “Okay. Bret, you have to leave for the base right away. Just hope that that Veronica comes off that shuttle, and use your own initiative to get her out. That’s all you have to worry about so, on your way.” Hanlon nodded and disappeared back through the Orderly Room. “Steve,” Sirocco said. “Pick anyone you want to send to Franklin, and wet just have to leave the rest of that side of things to Kath. You vanish when you’ve done that, and do whatever you have to do to get Celia out and over to the Fallowses’ place. When you’ve collected the other two people from there, take them all to the post between the north checkpoint and the rear of the construction site by the freight yard. Maddock’s section will be manning that sector from midnight to 0400. They know how to distract the SDs, and I’ll make sure they’re expecting you.” Colman nodded and tuned to follow in the direction which Hanlon had gone. “Oh, and Steve,” Sirocco called as a new thought struck him. Colman stopped at the door and looked back. “You say you know Fallows fairly well?”

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Categories: Hogan, James