Waylander II by David A. Gemmell

The beast reared one last time, dislodging Miriel. Then it swayed and fell.

Angel ran to where Miriel had fallen, reaching out and helping her to her feet. ‘Thank the Source! You’re alive!’


He put his arm around her, but she stiffened and he saw her staring towards the still form of Senta. Breaking clear of his embrace she ran to the fallen swordsman, turning him to his back. Senta groaned and opened his eyes. He saw Angel and tried to smile.

‘You’re wounded again,’ he whispered. Angel could feel the blood trickling from torn skin on the side of his face.

Angel knelt by his side, noting the blood at the corners of his mouth, and the unnatural stillness of his limbs. Gently he reached out, squeezing the man’s fingers. There was no answering grip.

‘Let me help you up,’ said Miriel, dragging on his left arm.

‘Leave him, girl!’ said Angel, his voice soft. Miriel slowly let the arm down.

‘Not much of a place to end one’s days in, eh, Angel?’ said Senta. He coughed and blood sprayed from his handsome mouth, staining his chin. ‘Still, I guess I couldn’t … be … in better company.’

Angel swung towards Ekodas. ‘Can you do anything, priest?’

‘Nothing. His neck is broken, and his spine in two places. And his ribs have pierced a lung.’ The priest’s tone was light, almost disinterested.

Angel returned his attention to the dying swordsman. ‘Fancy letting a creature like that kill you,’ he said gruffly. ‘You ought to be ashamed of yourself.’

‘I am.’ He smiled and closed his eyes. ‘There’s no pain. It’s very peaceful really.’ His eyes flared open, and fear was in his voice. ‘You’ll carry me out, won’t you? Don’t want to spend eternity down here. I’d like to be able … to feel the sun . . . you know?’

Til carry you myself.’

‘Miriel. . .!’

‘I’m here,’ she said, her voice trembling.

‘I’m. . .sorry. . . I had such. . .’His eyes closed again. And he was gone.

‘Sentar she shouted. ‘Don’t do this! Get up. Walk!’ Standing she dragged on his arm.


Angel rose and grabbed her. ‘Let him go, princess. Let him go!’

‘I can’t!’

He drew her into a tight embrace. ‘It’s over,’ he said softly. ‘He’s not here any more.’

Miriel pulled away from him, her face set, eyes gleaming. Spinning on her heel she walked to the dead beast, dragging her sword clear. Then she turned on Ekodas. ‘You bastard! You stood by and did nothing. He would be alive but for you.’

‘Perhaps,’ he agreed. ‘Perhaps not.’

‘Now you die,’ said Miriel, suddenly running forward. Ekodas raised his hand. Miriel groaned and halted so suddenly it seemed she had run into an invisible wall.

‘Calm yourself,’ said Ekodas. ‘I didn’t kill him.’

‘Destroy the crystal, priest,’ said Angel, ‘before it destroys you.’

Ekodas smiled. ‘You don’t understand. No one would who had not felt its power.’

‘I can feel it,’ said Angel. ‘At least I would guess it is the crystal that is filling me with the desire to kill you.’

‘Yes, that is probably true. On a lesser mind the crystal would have that kind of effect. I should draw back. Return to the fortress.’

‘No,’ said Angel. ‘You were sent here by those who trusted you. They believed only you had the strength to resist the . . . thing. They were wrong, weren’t they? It’s overpowered you.’

‘Nonsense. It has merely enhanced my considerable Talents.’

‘So be it. We’ll wait for you at the fortress,’ said Angel, with a deep sigh. He stepped forward. ‘One small point, though . . .’


Angel leaned back, and kicked out and up, his boot hitting the crystal, sending it spinning from the priest’s hand. Ekodas tried to punch out, but the warrior rolled away from the blow and swung his elbow into the priest’s face. Ekodas staggered. Angel sent a thundering left cross


that cannoned into his opponent’s chin. Ekodas hit the floor face-first – and did not move.

Miriel, freed from whatever spell Ekodas had cast, moved towards the still body.

‘Leave him be, child,’ said Angel. ‘He was not responsible.’ Moving to the crystal Angel felt its power reaching out to him, with promises of strength, immortality and fame. Angel reeled back. ‘Give me the sword,’ he told Miriel. Taking the hilt in both hands he smote the crystal with one terrible blow.

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