White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 1, 2

They are pleased to see us in the air together. Ramoth and Mnementh are very happy to see you on my back at last. I am very happy. Are you happier now?

The almost plaintive question caused a lump to lodge in Jaxom’s throat. He opened his mouth to respond, only to have sound torn from his lips by the press of wind against his face.

“Of course, I’m happy. I’m always happy with you,” he said joyfully. “I’m flying with you, just like I wanted to. This’ll show everyone that you’re a right dragon!”

You’re shouting!

“I’m happy. Why shouldn’t I shout?”

I’m the only one to hear you and I hear you very well indeed.

“You ought to. You’re the one I’m happiest for.”

They began a glide turn now and Jaxom leaned back away from the curve, holding his breath. Not that he hadn’t flown on a dragon innumerable times before. But then he had been a passenger, usually crammed between two adult bodies. The intimacy of this flight was another sensation entirely, exhilarating, pleasantly scary and utterly marvelous.

Ramoth says you must grip more tightly with your legs as you do on runners.

“I didn’t want to interfere with your breathing.” Jaxom pressed his legs tightly into the warmth of the silken neck, heartened by the security the grip gave him.

That’s better. You can’t hurt my neck. You can’t hurt me. You’re my rider. Ramoth says we must land. Ruth sounded rebellious.

“Land? We just got airborne!”

Ramoth says I must not strain. Flying you is no strain. It is what I want to do. She says we may fly a little farther every day. I like that idea.

Ruth corrected his descending plane so that they approached the court from the southeast. People on the roadway stopped to stare and then to wave. Jaxom thought he heard cheers but the wind rushed past, making it difficult to be sure. Those in the court turned to follow his path. Every window on the second and first tier of the Hold had its observers.

“They’ll all have to admit you’re a proper flying dragon now, Ruth!”

The only thing Jaxom regretted was that this flight was so brief. A little longer every day, huh? Not Fall, fire or fog would keep him from flying every single day, longer and farther away from Ruatha.

Abruptly he was thrown forward, bruising his chest on a neck ridge as Ruth backwinged to settle neatly on the spot he had so recently vacated.

Sorry about that, Ruth said contritely. I see that there are things I must learn now.

Savoring the triumph of the airborne experience, Jaxom sat for a moment, rubbing his chest and reassuring Ruth. Then he was aware of F’lar, F’nor and N’ton coming towards him with expressions of approval. But why was the Harper looking so thoughtful? And why was Lord Sangel frowning?

The dragonriders say we can fly. They are the ones who matter, Ruth told him.

Jaxom could discern no expression at all on the face of Lord Lytol. That dulled Jaxom’s pride in their achievement. How he had hoped that today of all days he might receive some flicker of approval, some kindly response from his guardian.

He never forgets Larth, Ruth said in his softest tone.

“See, Jaxom? I told you,” N’ton cried as the three dragonriders ranged themselves by Ruth’s shoulder.

“Nothing to it.”

“Very good first flight, Jaxom,” F’lar said, running his eyes over Ruth for any signs of stress. “No bother to him at all.”

“This fellow’ll turn on a wing tip. Make sure you keep the straps on till you’re used to each other,” F’nor added, reaching up to grab Jaxom’s forearm. It was the greeting gesture of equals, and Jaxom was enormously gratified.

“You’ve been mistaken then. Lord Sangel,” Lessa’s voice rang clearly to Jaxom. “There’s never been any doubt that the white dragon could fly. We merely postponed the event until we were sure Ruth had reached his full growth.”

F’nor winked at Jaxom and N’ton grimaced, while F’lar raised his eyes upward, indicating the need for patience. That intimacy made Jaxom realize that he, Jaxom of Ruatha, had indeed been admitted to a kinship with the three most powerful dragonriders of Pern.

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