White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 10, 11, 12

“The problem is, Jaxom, that we,” F’lar indicated Lessa, himself and the entire Weyr, “have other plans for the South-before the Lord Holders start parceling it out to their younger sons.” He brushed his hair back from his face. “We learned a lesson from the Oldtimers, a valuable one. And I know what happens to a Weyr in a long Interval.” F’lar grinned broadly at Jaxom. “We’ve been mighty busy protecting land by seeding the grubs. By the next Pass of the Red Star, all the Northern Continent,” and the Weyrleader’s gesture was wide, “will be seeded. And safe at least from Thread burrowing. If the Holds thought dragonriders were superfluous before, they certainly will have more cause then.”

“People always feel better seeing dragons flame Thread,” Jaxom said hastily, from a sense of loyalty although, from the expression on F’lar’s face, the Weyrleader didn’t seem to be in need of any reassurance.

“True, but I’d prefer it if the Weyrs no longer needed the bounty of the Holds. If we had land enough of our own…”

“You want the South!”

“Not all of it.”

“Just the best part of it,” said Lessa firmly.


Late Morning at Benden Weyr, Early Morning at Harpercraft Hall, Midday at Rdello’s Hold, 15.7.5

JAXOM AND RUTH SPENT the night in an empty weyr, but Ruth felt sufficiently uneasy in a full-sized dragon bed that Jaxom bundled his furs and curled up against his mount. Jaxom was conscious of having to pull himself out of a soft, black enfolding pit from which he was loath to move.

“I know you must be flattened with fatigue, Jaxom, but you’ve got to wake up!” Menolly’s voice penetrated the comfortable darkness. “Besides, you’ll get a pain in your neck sleeping like that.”

Menolly was upside down, Jaxom thought as he opened his eyes. Beauty was precariously perched, hind legs on the girl’s shoulder, her forepaws well down Menolly’s breast, peering anxiously at him. He felt Ruth stir.

“Jaxom, wake up! I’ve brought you all the klah you can drink.” Mirrim moved into his line of vision. “But F’lar’s eager to go and he wants Mnementh to talk to Ruth first.”

Menolly winked solemnly at Jaxom, turning her shoulder to mask her action from Mirrim. Jaxom groaned because he was never going to keep straight in his mind who knew what was to be kept secret or who could be told. He groaned again because his neck was indeed stiff.

Ruth opened his inner lid just a crack, regarding his rider with displeasure. I am tired. I need to sleep.

“You can’t sleep any longer now. Mnementh needs to speak to you.”

Why didn’t he speak to me last night?

“Because he probably wouldn’t have remembered today.”

Ruth’s head came up and he turned one eye fully on Jaxom. Mnementh would. He is the biggest dragon on all Pern.

“Just because he let you gorge yourself on his killing ground, you like him. But he wants to speak to you so you’d better. Are you awake?”

If I am able to speak to you, I am not dreaming. I am awake.

“You are a bold fellow today,” Jaxom said. In one massive heave, he pulled himself out of his impromptu bed. Dragging the furs about him, he half-fell toward the table where Menolly and Mirrim had politely withdrawn. The smell of klah was very welcome and he thanked the girls.

“What time is it?”

“Midmorning, Benden time,” Menolly said, her face expressionless but her eyes dancing as she lightly stressed the last two words.

Jaxom grunted. They could all hear the creaks, groans and rumblings of Ruth as the dragon stretched himself in preparation for the day.

“When did you get Threadscored, Jaxom?” Mirrim asked with her usual forthrightness. She leaned over and traced the scar with a light touch, flattening her lips together in patent disapproval of the disfigurement.

“Teaching Ruth to chew firestone. At Fort Weyr,” he added, after a malicious pause as he saw her gathering herself to scold him.

“Does Lessa know?” Mirrim asked, emphasizing the last word.

“Yes,” Jaxom replied. Let Mirrim digest that truth. But Mirrim wouldn’t let some matters alone.

“I don’t think much of N’ton’s weyrlingmaster then,” she said, sniffing disapproval, “letting you get scored that way.”

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