White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 13, 14

“Well, you’re awake now. What’s wrong?”

“That dream was so vivid … and yet it’s all gone. I wanted so much to remember it.”

Sharra placed a cool hand on his forehead. He pushed it away.

“I’m not fevered,” he said, cranky.

“No, you’re not. Any headache? Spots?”

Impatient and angry, he denied them, then sighed and smiled an apology at her. “Bad-tempered, aren’t I?”

“Rarely.” She grinned, then eased to the sand beside him.

“If I swim a little longer and further every day, how long will it take me to recover fully?”

“What makes you so anxious?”

Jaxom grinned, jerking his head back in the direction of the mountain. “I want to get there before Lord Groghe does.”

“Oh, I think you’ll manage that quite easily.” Sharra’s expression was mischievous. “You will get stronger every day now. We just don’t want you to push yourself too quickly. Better a few more days now, than suffer a relapse and go through all this again.”

“A relapse? How would I know if I was having one?”

“Easy. Spots and headaches. Do please do it our way, Jaxom.”

The appeal in her blue eyes was genuine, and Jaxom liked to think it was for him, Jaxom, not for him, the patient. Not taking his eyes from hers, he nodded slowly in acquiescence and was rewarded by her slow smile.

F’nor and D’ram arrived late that afternoon, in fighting gear, with full firestone sacks draped across their dragons.

“Thread tomorrow,” Sharra told Jaxom as she caught his look of inquiry.


“It falls on all Pern, and has fallen here in this cove three times since you took ill. In fact, the day after you took ill!” She grinned at his openmouthed consternation. “It’s been a rare treat to watch dragons in the sky. We’d only to keep the shelter area free. Grub takes care of the rest,” She chuckled. “Tiroth complains that he’s not fighting full when he doesn’t follow the Fall to its end. Just wait till you see Ruth in action. Oh, yes, nothing could keep him out of the sky. Brekke keeps her ear open for him and, of course, Tiroth and Canth are directing. He’s so proud of himself, protecting you!”

Jaxom swallowed against a variety of emotions, chagrin being foremost as he heard Sharra’s casual explanation.

“You were aware of Thread, by the way. Once a dragonrider, one evidently doesn’t forget-even in fever. You kept moaning about Thread coming and not being able to get off the ground.” Fortunately she was looking at the dragons as they glided to a landing on the beach because Jaxom was certain that his expression gave him away. “Master Oldive says that we humans have instincts, too, hidden deep in our minds, to which we respond automatically. As you reacted to Threadfall, sick as you were. Ruth is such a dote. I made much of him after each Fall, I assure you, and I made sure that the firelizards got all firestone stink out of his hide.”

She waved a greeting to F’nor and D’ram as they strolled up the beach, loosening their fighting gear. Canth and Tiroth had already shrugged off the firestone sacks on the beach and, wings extended high, waddled with groans of pleasure into the soft warm water. Ruth came slithering through the water to join them. A great fair of firelizards chittered above the three dragons, overjoyed with such company.

“You’ve more color, Jaxom, you look better!” F’nor said, grasping Jaxom’s arm in greeting.

D’ram nodded his head, agreeing with F’nor.

Aware of his indebtedness to both riders, Jaxom stammered out his gratitude.

“Tell you something, Jaxom,” F’nor said, squatting on his haunches, “it’s been a rare treat to watch your little fellow work in the air. He’s a superb chop-and-change artist. Caught three times as much Thread as our big fellows could. You trained him well!”

“I don’t suppose I’ll be considered strong enough to fight Thread tomorrow?”

“No, nor for some time to come,” F’nor replied firmly. “Know how you’re feeling, Jaxom,” he continued as he dropped beside him on the mats. “Felt the same way when I was wounded and not allowed to fly Thread. But now, your only responsibility to Hold and Weyr is to get fit. Fit enough to take a good look about this country! I envy you that chance, Jaxom. Indeed I do!” F’nor’s grin was candidly envious. “Haven’t had the time to fly far, even after Thread, down here. Forest extends a long way on either side.” F’nor gestured broadly with one arm. “You’ll see. Shall I bring you writing materials next trip down so you can make a Record? You may not fly Thread yet awhile, Jaxom, but you’ll be working hard enough to make that a treat!”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne