White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 20

“Well, we will never know anything standing out here like numbwits,” Robinton said, taking a glow basket from Jaxom and unshielding it as he strode forward into the ship.

It was mete, Jaxom thought, as he passed out the other baskets, that the Master Harper should have the honor of entering first. Fandarel, F’lar, F’nor and Lessa walked abreast through the opening. Jaxom grinned at Piemur and Menolly as they fell in behind.

Another great door, with circular wheel for locking thick bars ceiling and floor, lay open and inviting. Master Fandarel was making inarticulate noises of praise and awe as he touched the walls and peered at what looked to be control levers and more colored circles. As they penetrated further, they came upon two more doors, an open one on the left and one closed on their right which would lead, Fandarel was certain, to the rear, tube-encircled end of the vehicle. How could tubes make a cumbersome, snub-winged thing like this fly? He simply had to bring Benelek here, if no one else was to see it.

They all turned to the left and entered a long narrow corridor, their boots making muffled noises on the nonmetallic floor.

“More of the substance they used for pit supports, I think,” Fandarel said, kneeling and pressing his fingers against the floor. “Ha, what was in these?” he asked, fingering brackets which were empty now. “Fascinating. And no dust.”

“No air or wind to carry it in here for who knows how long,” F’lar remarked in a quiet tone. “As in those rooms we discovered in Benden Weyr.”

They moved along a corridor of doors, some open, some closed. None locked, for Piemur and Jaxom were able to peer into the emptied cubicles. Holes in the flooring and on the inside walls proved that there had been fittings.

“All of you, come here!” came the excited voice of the Harper, who had prowled ahead.

“No, here!” F’nor called from further beyond the Harper. “Here’s where they must have controlled the ship!”

“No, F’nor, this is important to us!”

And F’lar seconded the Harper’s vibrant claim.

As everyone gathered about the two, their glow baskets adding to the illumination, it was clear what had arrested their attention. The walls were covered with maps. In great detail, the familiar contours of Northern Pern and the not-so-familiar Southern Continent, all of it in its immensity, had been drawn eradicably on the wall.

With a sound-half-moan, half-shout-Piemur touched the map, tracing with his forefinger the coast which he had so arduously tramped, but which was only a small portion of the total shoreline.

“Look, Master Idarolan can sail almost to the Eastern Barrier Range … and it’s not the same range I saw in the west. And …”

“Now what would this map represent?” F’nor asked, interrupting Piemur’s excited comments. He was standing to one side, his glow basket lighting another chart of Pern. The outlines were the same, but the bands of different colors covered the familiar contours in puzzling configurations. The seas were depicted with varying shades of blue.

“That would indicate the depth of the water,” Menolly said, running her fingers along what she knew was the Nerat Deep, here colored a deep blue. “Look, here are arrows to indicate the Great South Current. And here’s the Western Stream,”

“If that is so,” the Harper said slowly, “then this ought to indicate the height of the land? No. For here where there should be mountains in Crom, Fort, Benden and Telgar, the color is the same as this part of the Telgar Plains. Most puzzling. Whatever could this have meant to the ancients?” He glanced from Northern to Southern spheres. “And none of that shade except this little bit here on the underside of the world. Perplexing. I shall have to study this!” He felt along the edges of the map, but it was evidently drawn on the wall itself.

“Here’s one for Master Wansor’s eyes,” Fandarel said, apparently so engrossed in the section he was studying that he hadn’t attended Robinton’s words.

Piemur and Jaxom turned their glows toward the Smith.

“A star map!” the young Harper cried.

“Not quite,” the Smith said.

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