White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 21

“Not many,” Robinton said, wondering quickly if indeed Lessa and F’lar had ever guessed.

“I knew,” Sharra said, “and so did Brekke. Jaxom worried about that egg the whole time he was fevered. Her gaze on his face was proud.

“Not that it matters now,” Jaxom said. “What does matter is, do I now have your permission to marry Sharra and make her lady of Ruatha now?”

“I don’t see how I can stop you.” Toric’s broad gesture of frustration took in the people and the dragons.

“Indeed you couldn’t, for Jaxom’s boast about Ruth s abilities is valid,” F’lar said. “One must never underestimate a dragonrider, Toric.” Then he grinned without softening the implicit warning. “Especially a Northern dragonrider.”

“I shall bear that firmly in mind,” Toric said, the intensity of his big voice indicating his chagrin. The amenable grin reappeared on his face. “Especially in our present discussion. Before these impetuous youngsters interrupted us, we were discussing the extent of my Hold, were we not?”

He turned his back on Sharra and Jaxom, and gestured to the others to return to their temporary hall.


SPRING HAD COME again to Northern Pern and Ruatha Hold. Once the winter’s damages had been repaired and the first crops set, there had been great business on the Hold itself, all aimed to have the old place look its best on the one spring morning when Wansor’s equations said no Thread would fall anywhere but harmlessly far to-the west at sea.

Ruatha’s walls were scrubbed, its paving brightly sealed, and this day banners hung from every un-shuttered window while flowers decked every corner of the courts and the Hall. Southern vines had been flown in the night before to garland the fire-heights. The broad meadows below the Hold proper were covered with tents and divided into fields for the runner beasts of the guests. Dragons began to arrive, greeted by the old brown watchdragon, Wilth, who would surely be hoarse from bugling welcome before the ceremonies began.

Firelizards were everywhere and had to be constantly called to order by dragon and friend. But the atmosphere was so relaxed, so jubilant, that pranks and antics, human or creature, were amicably tolerated.

To cater to so many guests, half Pern north and south it seemed. Fort Hold and Weyr, as well as Benden, had joined kitchen staffs with Ruatha. Toric had obligingly sent from Southern meadows dragonloads of fresh fruit, fish, wild bucks and wherries whose flesh was prized for its tender gamey taste, so distinct from Northern meats. Great roasting, baking and steaming pits had been in operation since the previous evening, the aromas commingling to set mouths watering.

There had been festivities the night before, dancing and singing until early morning, for traders had arrived well in advance, no one minding the multiple uses of this occasion. Now more people poured up the roads, flew down from the skies as the momentous hour for the ceremonious confirmation of the young Lord of Ruatha Hold drew close.

The Harper comes, Ruth told Jaxom and Sharra as the white dragon pushed open the doors of his weyr and stepped into his courtyard.

Jaxom and Sharra, in the main room of their ground-level apartment, heard his joyous bugle of welcome, just as if he hadn’t said goodnight to the Harper in the early hours of that morning.

Lioth says for you to wait here. Harper and N’ton want to speak to you without other ears.

Jaxom turned to Sharra in surprise.

“Oh, it can’t be anything untoward, Jaxom,” she said, smiling. “Master Robinton would have told us last night. I still think that tunic is too tight across your chest.”

“All the spring digging at Ship Meadow, my love,” Jaxom said, inhaling so that the fabric of his brown tunic strained at the seams.

“If you split this new material, you’ll have to wear it mended!” She smiled as she spoke her scold then kissed him.

Sharra’s kisses were to be enjoyed whenever possible, so he held her tightly.

“Jaxom! I will not go mussed to your Confirmation.”

Ramoth and Mnementh are here! Ruth rose on his haunches to bugle a sufficiently honorable greeting.

“You’d think he was the one being Confirmed as Lord Holder,” Sharra said, her rich voice filled with laughter.

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