White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 21

“When this Pass is over,” Jaxom said eagerly, his eyes scanning the map, “people can begin to concentrate on what we’ve found at the Plateau, too, and in those ships. We can rediscover the South! Maybe even solve the mystery of the ships-and how we can get dragons to cross that airless void to the Dawn Sisters …” Jaxom’s gaze went to the southeast, to beacons now hidden from his sight.

“And how to wipe out forever the threat of Thread from the Red Star itself,” Sharra said in a whisper.

F’lar gave a rueful laugh, brushing from his forehead the lock of hair, now gray-streaked, that fell across his eyes. “I once thought to reach the Red Star. Maybe you young people won’t find it so daunting a task once we’ve caught up on what men used to know.”

“Don’t belittle your accomplishments, F’lar,” Robinton said sternly. “You’ve kept Pern Threadfree and united … in spite of itself!”

“Why, if it hadn’t been for you,” Lessa said, looking about her, eyes flashing angrily for F’lar’s self-denigration, “none of this would have happened!” Her gesture meant Ruatha bannered for a happy day and secure in the knowledge that no Thread would mar the occasion anywhere.

“LORD JAXOM!” Lytol’s bellow rang clearly from an upper window of Ruatha Hold.


“Benden? Fort? The other Weyrleaders and all the Lord Holders of Pern, North and South, have gathered!”

Jaxom waved his hand in acknowledgment of the summons. F’lar rolled up the map and handed it back to Robinton with a bow.

“I’ll examine it more closely later, Robinton.” Jaxom offered his arm to his Lady Sharra and would have gestured for the Master Harper and the dragonriders to precede them.

“By no means, it’s your day. Lord Jaxom of Ruatha Hold,” the Harper said, and he bowed low, his arm coming up with a flourish to indicate the honor of precedence.

Laughing, Jaxom and Sharra strode out into the court, N’ton and Robinton behind them. F’lar presented his arm to Lessa but she had turned her eyes about the small kitchen courtyard and it wasn’t hard for the bronze rider to sense her thoughts.

“It’s your day, too, Lessa,” he said, taking her hand to his lips. “A day your determination and spirit made possible!” He turned her into his arms and made her look up at him. “Ruathan Blood Holds Ruatha lands today!”

“Which proves,” she said, pretending to be haughty though her body was pliant against his, “that if you try hard enough, and work long enough, you can achieve anything you desire!”

“I hope you’re right,” F’lar said, unerringly turning his gaze toward the Red Star. “One day dragonriders will conquer that Star!”

“BENDEN!” The Harper’s roar startled their private moment of triumph.

Grinning like errant children, Lessa and F’lar crossed the kitchen courtyard and raced up the steps to the Great Hall. The dragons on the fire-heights rose to their haunches, bugling their jubilation on this happy day while firelizards executed dizzy patterns in the Threadfree sky!

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne