White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 5, 6


Morning in Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold, Afternoon in Benden Weyr, Late Afternoon in Harpercraft Hall, 15.5.26

ANOTHER THREADFALL PASSED before Jaxom could get off to the Plateau hold again. He seemed to have more success with Corana than in getting Ruth to sustain flame properly. The white dragon’s throat was nearly burned from keeping in belches when firelizards would suddenly appear at the most inopportune times. Jaxom was certain that every single one in Keroon Hold had had a look-in. Even Ruth’s patience was tried and they had to time it by a six-hour span so that their absence from Ruatha would not be considered exceptional. Timing it tired him, Jaxom realized, as he fell into bed that night, exhausted and frustrated.

To make matters worse he would have to go to the Masterharperhall the next day with Finder because the Ruathan Harper was scheduled to learn how to use Wansor’s star equations. Every Harper was expected to master that so at least one other person besides the Holder could make an accurate check on Threadfall.

The Masterharperhall was part of the sprawling complex of dwellings inside and outside the Fort Hold cliffs. When Jaxom and Finder, on Ruth, burst into the air above the Harpercrafthall, they met chaos. Firelizards were swooping and diving, screaming in an ecstasy of agitation. The watchdragon on Fort Hold’s fire-heights was up on his hind legs, front ones pawing the air, wings fanning at the stretch, bellowing in fury.

Angry! They are angry! was Ruth’s startled comment. Ruth! I am Ruth! Ruth! he called in his inimitable tenor bugle.

“What’s happened?” Finder demanded in Jaxom’s ear.

“Ruth says they’re angry.”

“Angry? I’ve never seen a dragon that angry before!”

Filled with apprehension, Jaxom directed Ruth to the courtyard of the Harpercrafthall. So many people were dashing around, with firelizards zipping wildly about, that he had trouble finding a clear spot. No sooner had he landed than a wing of firelizards danced about him, projecting anxious, agitated thoughts that Ruth told Jaxom made no sense to him and even less to Jaxom when he received them secondhand. He did perceive that these were Menolly’s beasts, sent to find out where he was.

“There you are! You got my message?” Menolly came racing out of the Hall up to them, dragging on her flying gear as she ran. “We’ve got to go to Benden Weyr. They’ve stolen the queen egg.”

She was scrambling up behind Finder on Ruth’s back, apologizing for crowding him and urging Jaxom to get a move on. “Are three too many for Ruth?” Menolly asked with belated concern as the white dragon seemed to hesitate before launching himself.


“Who stole Ramoth’s egg? How? When?” Finder asked.

“This half-hour past. They’re calling in all the bronzes and the other queens. They’re going to Southern in force and make them give the egg back.”

“How do they know it was Southern?” asked Jaxom.

“Who else would need to steal a queen egg?”

Then all conversation was suspended as Ruth took them smartly between. They erupted into the air over Benden, and suddenly three bronzes were arrowing out of the sun right at them, flaming. Ruth let out a squeal and went between, emerging over the lake and chattering at his would-be attackers at the top of his voice.

I’m Ruth. I’m Ruth. I’m Ruth!

“That was close!” Finder said, gulping. His hands were pinching Jaxom’s arms nerveless.

You just missed my wing tip. I’m Ruth! They apologized, the white dragon added in a calmer tone to his rider. But he turned his wing tip for a close look.

Menolly groaned. “I forgot to tell you we were to come in yelling who we were. You’d think Ruth at least would be passed without challenge.”

As she spoke, more dragons appeared, trumpeting to the three bronzes guarding from the heights. The new arrivals circled tightly to land their riders by a crowd gathered around the entrance to the Hatching Ground. Jaxom, Finder and Menolly started across the Bowl to join them.

“Jaxom, have you ever seen so many dragons?” Menolly looked around at the crowded Weyr rim, at the dragons on weyr ledges, all with wings spread, ready for instant flight. “Oh, Jaxom, what if it comes to dragon fighting dragon?”

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