White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 5, 6

“And today I cannot fight T’ron, or the other Southerners, or I won’t keep Pern together!”

Lessa stared back at F’lar for another long moment and then her shoulders sagged as she reluctantly accepted that distinction.

“But … if that egg does not hatch, or if the little queen is in any way damaged…”

“If that should happen, we will certainly review the situation,” F’lar promised her, raising his right hand to honor the condition.

Fervently Robinton hoped that the little hatchling would prove healthy and vigorous, not a whit the worse for its adventuring. By the Hatching, he ought to have some information that might appease Lessa and save F’lar’s now pledged honor.

“I must return to Ramoth,” Lessa announced. “She needs me.” She strode from the room, past dragonriders who deferentially moved aside.

Robinton looked at the cup of wine he had poured for her and, taking it up, downed the contents in one gulp. His hand was trembling as he lowered the cup and met F’lar’s gaze.

“We could all use a cup,” F’lar said, gesturing the others to gather about while Brekke, rising quickly to her feet, began to serve them.

“We will wait until the Hatching,” the Benden Weyrleader went on. “I don’t think I have to suggest that you all take precautions against a similar occurrence.”

“None of us have any clutches hardening right now, F’lar,” said R’mart of Telgar Weyr. “And none of us have Benden queens!” He had a sly twinkle in his eye as he glanced toward the Harper. “So, if eight of their beasts died this past Turn, I make it that there are now two hundred and forty-eight dragonriders left, and only five bronzes. Who brought the egg back?”

“The egg is back: that’s all that matters,” F’lar said then half-emptied his cup at the first swallow.

“Though I am deeply grateful to that rider.”

“We could find out,” N’ton said quietly.

F’lar shook his head. “I’m not sure I want to know. I’m not sure we need to know-just as long as that egg hatches a live and kicking queen.”

“Fandarel has his finger in the sore,” Brekke said, moving gracefully to refill cups. “Just look what has happened to those of us who have been friends and allies for many Turns. I resent that more than anything else. And,” she looked at everyone in turn, “I also resent the antagonism for all firelizards because some few, who were only being loyal to their friends, had a part in this hideous affair. I know I’m prejudiced,” she smiled sadly, “but I have so much reason to be grateful to our little friends. I would like to see sense prevail as regards them, too.”

“We’ll have to go softly on that score, Brekke,” F’lar said, “but I have taken your point. Much was said this morning in the heat and confusion that was not meant to stand!”

“I hope so. I sincerely hope so,” said Brekke. “Berd keeps telling me that dragons have flamed firelizards!”

Robinton let out a startled exclamation. “I got that wild notion from Zair, too, before I sent him to stay in your weyr, Brekke. But no dragon flamed here …” He looked about at the other Weyrleaders, some of whom were agreeing with Brekke’s remark, others expressing concern over such an unlikely occurrence.

“Not yet …” Brekke said, nodding significantly toward Ramoth’s weyr.

“Then we must make sure that the queen is not further upset by any sight of firelizards,” F’lar said, his glance sweeping around the room for agreement. “For the time being,” he added, raising his hand to stop the half-formed protests. “It is the better part of wisdom for them not to be seen or heard right now. I know they’ve been useful, and some are proving to be very reliable messengers. I know many of you have them. But direct them to Brekke if it is absolutely necessary to send them here.” He looked directly at Robinton.

“Firelizards do not go where they are not welcome,” Brekke said. Then she added with a wry smile to take the sting out of her comment: “They’re scared out of their hides right now anyway.”

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