White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 7, 8, 9

Suddenly the white dragon whimpered. Apologetic, Jaxom looked around and noticed that the firelizards had suspended their labors. All the animals had their heads cocked, as if listening to something beyond Jaxom’s hearing.

“What’s the matter, Ruth?”

The woman dies.

“Take me back to the Hold, Ruth. Hurry.”

Jaxom gritted his teeth as his wet clothing froze against his body in the cold of between. Teeth chattering, Jaxom glanced toward the watchdragon on the fire-heights. Strangely enough, the beast was indolent in the sun when he ought to be responding to the death.

Now she is not yet dying, Ruth said.

It took Jaxom a moment to realize that Ruth had acted on his own initiative and timed it to just before the firelizards’ alarm at the lake.

“We promised not to time it, Ruth.” Jaxom could appreciate the circumstances but he didn’t like the notion of going back on his word for any reason.

You promised. I did not. Lytol will need you in time.

Ruth landed Jaxom in the courtyard and the young Lord pelted up the stairs to the main Hall. He startled the drudge who was sweeping the dining hall with a demand to know Lytol’s whereabouts. The drudge thought Lord Lytol was with Master Brand. Jaxom knew that Brand kept wine in his office but he ducked into the serving hall, grabbed up a wineskin by its thong, swept two cups into his other hand and strode to the steps of the inner hall, which he took two at a time. Catching the heavy inner door with the point of his shoulder, he worked the latch with his right elbow and continued without much loss of forward speed down the corridor to Brand’s quarters.

Just as he threw open the door, Brand’s little blue firelizard struck the very listening pose that had alerted Jaxom at the lake.

“What’s the matter, Lord Jaxom?” Brand cried, rising to his feet. Lytol’s face showed his disapproval of such a mannerless entrance and he was about to speak when Jaxom pointed to the firelizard.

The blue suddenly sat back on his haunches, opened his wings and began the shrill high ululation that was the keening of the firelizards. As all color drained from Lytol’s face, the men heard the deeper, equally piercing cries of the watchdragon and Ruth, each giving voice to the passing of a queen dragon. Jaxom splashed wine in a cup and held it to Lytol. “It doesn’t stop the pain, I know,” he said in a rough tone, “but you can get drunk enough not to hear or remember.”


Early Summer, Harpercraft and Ruatha Hold, 15.7.3

THE FIRST HINT Robinton had was from Zair, who woke abruptly from a sound morning’s sleep in the sun on the window ledge and flew to Robinton’s shoulder, wrapping his tail firmly about the Harper’s neck. Robinton, not having the heart to rebuke his friend, tried to ease the tension of the tail so that he didn’t have the sensation of choking to death. Zair rubbed his cheek against the Harper’s, crooning.

“Whatever is the matter with you?”

Just then the watchdragon on the fire-heights rose to his haunches and bugled. A dragon appeared in midair, answered the summons smartly before beginning a circle to land.

A knock on the door was followed so closely by its opening that the courtesy was hardly observed. Robinton was forming a reprimand as he slewed round in his chair and saw Menolly, with Beauty clinging tightly to her shoulder. Rocky, Diver and Poll doing an aerial dance about her.

“It’s F’lar and Mnementh,” she cried.

“So I had just perceived, my dear. Why the panic?”

“Panic? I’m not in a panic. I’m excited. This is the first time since the egg was taken that Benden has come to you.”

“Then be a polite child and see if Silvina has any sweetbreads to eat with our klah. It is,” he sighed wistfully, “a shade too early in the morning to offer wine.”

“It’s not too early in Benden’s morning,” Menolly said as she left the room.

Robinton sighed again, sadly, as he looked at the empty doorway. She had grieved over the estrangement of the Harper Hall and Benden Weyr. So, in his own way, had he. He brought his thoughts sharply away from that. There’d been no hint of distress in Mnementh’s acknowledgement of the watchdragon’s challenge. What had brought F’lar to Benden? And, more important, did the Weyrleader come with Lessa’s knowledge? And consent?

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne